#194, Welcome to the show

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I apologise in advance, this is going to be massive, cause the song above ^yeah, that's thing, well this is based off the song, pay the song and read it, I guess try and keep up with the song??? I mean if it says 'welcome to the show' then that's hopefully where you are in the poem, but it doesn't matter if you aren't, it's just my interpretation of the song. Sorta... Anyway, READ!!!!! Please?

They're telling me it's time
Telling me to die

They're taking me on a roller coaster
Pushing me away then bring me closer

Up and down, down and up I go
It's always going fast never slow

I can't keep up, im losing my mind
What am I hoping to find.

They're feeding me
Driving me

I cant control this ride
And I want off

I'm going up
Then going down

I'm flying off
Going round and round.

To my life they say
'Welcome to the show'

They through me off
Then pull me back

Make me high
Then make a pack

On the roller coaster
I go down

Then go up
Then all around

Please let me off
As up I go

To my life they say
'Welcome to the show'

Your trying to destroy me
From the inside out

Your on a mission
To make me shout

I won't let you win
I'll try not to

I won't let you in
I'll tell you we're through

But then they tell me
They're in control

All before
Making me hurl

'Your about to loose control'
They cry and they laugh

I stare at myself
See what I was in the past

We're on a mission
To make you better

'This is you life now'
Then they scream 'get her'

But I'm fighting harder
As they push me on the ride

I kick and scream
Hold onto my pride

Then they laugh
"Welcome to the show"

Everyone walks by
But they don't seem to see

That I'm fighting these demons
Trying to stay as me

Some even cheer
Tell me they'll help

You don't understand
They're putting me through hell

Once again they laugh
'Welcome to the show'

Pushing me on the ride
And watching me go.

Make it slower
I cry out loud

I can't take it anymore
I want out

They just laugh some more
Before off I go

Hold on tight
But don't fight

Just grab the rails
And enjoy the ride

And try your hardest
To not let go

I fight some more
Kick at the door

Try to jump off
But they catch me before I fall

"We're gonna have some fun'
I cry

"We've only just begun'
To fight I try

So to fight
I try

'Your not going to win'
'Were on a mission'

What a mission to make me scream?
A mission to make me pout

Please just tell me
Why your pulling me about

Just hold onto the roller coaster
Trust me it will get better

Hold on
Don't let go

Then they laugh
"Welcome to the show"

No I will fight
Your not going to win

Can you see
The battle your in

You chose the wrong one to mess with
Don't expect to get out

Trust me I'll beat you
I scream and shout

They're frown at me
As I'm about to loose control

Then I scream
"Welcome to the show"

I fight them some more
Put them on my own ride

They scream to come off
But I leave them rot

I warned you
I whisper

As I walked off
Cause I can run

Then I smirk as I walk
"Welcome to the show"

Okay, your opinion, I was thinking I could them turn this into a short story, if you guys think that would be cool!?!?!?!?!

I dunno, tell me if you think this would be good as a story in the comments,
And sorry it was long.

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