How could he...Darlenes POV...

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As I quickly followed Melody into the elevator I saw that she began to cry. We unlocked her phone to see what she had got and we saw the pictures from the messages. Then all we could say was, "How could he...? After all you two.....but I don't get why he.....and why is he......ugh what is wrong with him...!" Melody knew we had no words to say because we were speechless and we were just as confused as her but we knew she was the one who was brokenhearted because all she could say was, "How could he..."

Once the elevator door opened she ran towards the room while Lupe and Myself were yelling, "Melody wait, stop come on we can talk this through... Melody wait..." As she reached the door we ran quicker and we saw the guys hovering over Luke and staring at the bathroom door. Then we knew that she locked herself in the bathroom once more

"Melody come on please open the door, let us you wanna talk about it...or maybe punch something? Come on please were your friends let us in please we wanna help comfort you the door Mel." Melody didnt answer. We then heard the guys walk up to us and asked us what's wrong. We explained to them exactly what had happened right after the driver dropped us off at the cafe.
We told the guys what Melody got and showed them the messages that Luke had sent her. We decided to continue this conversation out in the hall. We had showed the guys Melody's messages and the pictures that Luke had sent her and we all saw the big problem. Monica was on each one and she was drooling all over Luke while he was passed out unconsciously on the couch. We were really mad that he had sent it to her right after all he did for us today. Though the guys gave us some info that helped us figure a major piece of the puzzle.

The guys told us that after they got dropped off they got on the elevator and when they stepped out they saw someone familiar and hid behind one of the plants. They said that they saw Monica leaving the hotel room blabbing to herself laughing loudly and they overheard her say, "I hope you like my little present Melody, Hahaha once they breakup Luke will have no other choice but to come back running to me and Melody will be by herself once again. Hahaha" then they saw her walk towards the elevator and leave. Then we walked quickly to the room wondering what happened and we just saw Luke passed out on the couch. Then like 3 min later Melody comes running in crying.

I had an idea and decided to all go downstairs to the reception desk and we asked for the security tapes from that hour frame. They downloaded it to there phone and watched what happened. They saw Luke walk in and they saw that Monica taking a pair of keys from a maid on the same floor and when she saw Luke go in she walked in 20 min later because she had to hide from the maid. Then just as the guys said, when they arrived they hid behind a plant and they saw Monica coming out of the room and then she walked into the elevator. Then when they walked in they saw Luke passed out. Then 3min after they walked in Melody ran into the building into the elevator and we saw her running down the hall and into the room with us right behind her.

Since we figured out why Monica came we had to tell Luke what happened. Though we would have to tell him in the morning because he is out cold right now.

Once morning came I walked passed the bathroom and saw Luke walking to it and he saw that Melody was on the floor with tear stains down her cheeks. But before he ran to her I stopped him. "Shh don't wake her up, come with me we have to talk." Luke followed me and we saw that everyone woke up. I called a meeting out in the hall with Luke to tell him why Melody was in the bathroom crying all night. "Okay look, Luke when you got home what did you do?" Said Lupe. "Well I got home and took a shower because I was sweaty from the concert last night and when I finished taking a shower I knocked out on the couch...why?" Said Luke. "Well we saw Monica leaving the room and we hid behind a plant and we over heard her and she planned something out to sabatoge your relationship between You and Melody." Said Michael. "Yeah and this was it(showed Luke the messages)...and by the way this really hit her hard because she cried a lot and she locked herself in the bathroom all night again. Then last night we decided to go to the reception desk and asked for the footage and we saw when Monica entered and left. Its true what we said and we have the proof, but the problem is we have to tell Melody but she is sleeping right now and I was planning on going in right now and waking her up and telling her with Lupe and myself." I said.

That's when I noticed arms wrapped around Luke's waist...

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