Chapter 1:

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Chapter 1:

  Mia sat on the cold floor of her room, watching the small droplets of water, falling softly upon the blooming red and pink roses growing in her magnificent garden, through her bedroom's considerably large window.

Thoughts of her past and her present life but most importantly, her future running through her mind. What is to become of her? Would she simply just wither away and die in the end?! Was it worth living? working so hard and in the end, just disappearing out of nowhere, any signs of her life ever existing gone, never to return again.

 Shaking her head at the thought, Mia decided to just let the questions go, or she would end up dwelling on this for hours on end, if not. Besides just because she wasn't going to be remembered one day, isn't a good enough excuse to panic about it now, is it?

Sighing, she got up stretching her bones, which had been stiff, from sitting on the hard floor for so many hours watching the rain fall from the cloudy sky, onto the concrete floor outside her house, below her window. It was her favourite thing to do. Every time it rained, Mia would go to her room, sit on the floor, and just watch the tiny drops of rain falling, wetting her window. It was mesmerising to her, nature at its work, simply extraordinary, and beautiful. Seeing it was like, magic to her eyes and soul. Easing her worries, and troubles away, relaxing her, making it easier to day dream.

Daydream about the life she looked for and still doesn't have. A life with one thing every girl truly wishes for...True Love. The problem was Mia knew that true love didn't really exist, but she couldn't help but want it.

 Deciding to finally leave her window. Mia looked for her sleeping clothe, brushing her teeth and began getting ready for bed; tomorrow was going to be a long day.

 Her parents were forcing her to come to this family gathering, which consisted of  a million family members and friends of those family members! Most of them she didn't even know!

 She had tried and tried to convince her parents that there is no point in her going, and that she would just rather stay home, cozed up in her bed, snuggled in a blanket, reading a satisfyingly ever so romantic, romance novel, where the couples in the story always end up together, through thick and thin, nothing separating them, True love at its work. 

Unfortunately Mia had relised long ago, that novels like this never come true, there was a reason they were fictional.  Based only on our imagination, they were simply a world to go into for a little while, but you were never able to stay there. When the novel ended, your little life in that novel ended too. Leaving you to face the reality of the real world in comparison.

She really didn't want to go tomorrow, oh the great joy of smelling everyone's sweat! No sarcasm there, It's poisonous & infact quite disgusting! Especially when there's barely any room to stand, let alone walk in between, to get around the house. Last time she had went; they had all been old people. What was the point? They just sat around drinking tea, and coffee, and chatting about life! What was the point in that? Nothing! Exactly!

 But No, she must be the good daughter, her parents had always wanted her to be, obedient and have no life! This was the last thought that floated in Mia's mind, right before she drifted into a soundless sleep. Filled with the wish of True Love to appear at her doorstop, and welcome her. To take her to a place where she felt loved, adored, and cared for. Where rules and people didn't have authority over her. Instead a man on her side, willing to do anything to make her happy. But those things were things that only happened in dreams and the novels she all but was addicted to.

 She had no idea, that tomorrow things would change, and life would have a different meaning to what she had originally thought it out to be.


Sorry about the grammer people its not the best, and it hasn't been edited yet. :) But if you see mistakes that need correcting, comment or inbox me :) I would be quite thankful  and i will change them as soon as i can ;) :) 



please comment or vote, so I can know what to improve okays :)

Thank you very much my lovelies

ciao :)

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