Part 1: Incidents and New Friends

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Asami ran around the fleeing people her red cocktail dress almost getting in her way, but not as much as her high heels. It was her sweet sixteen, and people were going mad trying to figure out where the gun shots were coming from. Asami eventually found her dad, who was holding his golden pistol, also trying to find out where the shots were coming from. He saw somebody clad in black and dark blue, and was about to shoot the figure if it hadn't been for the lighter blue symbol of the sleeve. The gears that resembled the Sato name. It was Asami's protector. Another shot whizzed past Asami, and it just missed her arm. "Dad! What's going on?"

"Don't worry! It'll be fine!"

Hiroshi watched as the knight neared the shooters, all who had scopes. So the figure found out where they were. The knight took them out one by one, only being shot once in the thigh. It looked around the area, making sure that there were no more shooters. It stopped it's gaze every once in a while on Asami and Hiroshi.

Hiroshi put his pistol to Asami's head, getting gasps all around.

"Dad? What are you-"

"Shut it," Hiroshi cut her off, turning off the safety. He looked to where the figure was standing before, but it was gone. Next thing he knew, he was on the ground, a pain in his side. He looked up at Asami, then to the same dark blue and black figure, who was holding the gun above him, barrel pointed at his head. He got up, and Asami hid behind the figure. Hiroshi simply nodded, and the knight gave him his gun back. "Here's what you did wrong," he started.

The figure looked down, ashamed, as Asami stopped hiding behind it. "Dad! I want answers now!"

Hiroshi and the knight looked at Asami, both surprised at the outburst. "Honey, I need to take care of this fir-"

"No you don't! You need to tell me what's going on! Right now!" The knight was between a rock and a hard place right now, not completely sure which one was which, so it simply switched it's glances between the father and daughter. "Go away! Whatever he needs to talk to you about can wait!"

The knight stared at Asami for a second, but bowed and walked away, the people watching as it only slightly limped. "Honey, you shouldn't have dismiss-"

"I don't care! You and me! Your office! Now!"

Hiroshi complied, walking with Asami trailing behind him. He spotted the knight keeping watch over the party, and they nodded at each other.

"What the Hell was that?!" Asami screamed once they got into Hiroshi's office.

"Asami, you need to calm dow-"

"I will when you tell me what's going on!"

Sighing, Hiroshi tapped his ear piece, turning it on. "Send in the knight. No evaluation until later. This is just a talk," Hiroshi said into the earpiece. Asami stared at her father, confused, as he ended the call. The knight walked in, and Asami saw an untreated bullet wound in it's thigh. Her eyes widened as the figure simply bowed to both of them. "Take off your mask. You are allowed to speak here, especially to Asami," Hiroshi told the figure.

"Yes sir," the knight said, talking off the mask-like helmet she was wearing. Asami realized that it was a girl speaking. When she took of the mask, Asami realized that this girl was trained. There were a few scars on her face, but she was unfazed by them. She was tan, with slightly darker hair than her skin. She was also shorter than Asami.

"What's your name?"

"Korra, ma'am," she answered, standing straight up.

"Just call me Asami. So, that whole thing at my party was a training exercise?"

"No. The shots and scopes were real, but it could have been a training exercise. I was unaware of the shooters when the party started, and they used that to their advantage," Korra answered, but quickly realized that Asami's father was there. "My apologies, sir," she quickly bowed to Hiroshi, her helmet under her arm.

Asami glanced at her father as Korra got up from her bow. "So, why did this happen?"

"I'm still investigating the scene. The reasoning is unknown, but the shooters had on uniforms from a rival cooperation. I'm surprised that nobody got hurt," Korra explained.

"Sir! More-"

The man stopped dead in his tracks as he witnessed the scene. Hiroshi Sato, his daughter, and a mystery figure with a black and dark blue uniform with light blue gears all standing in the same room. Korra put on her helmet quickly, turning around.

"Shooters," the man finished.

Korra sprinted out the door, using the open windows as her route to the shooters. But they were on both sides this time, using the geography of the field as their advantage. Korra needed a more stealthy attack this time. She quietly climbed to the first shooter, who was using the walls as a vantage point and protection from sight. She snuck up behind him, and hit a pressure point. He fell, and Korra picked up the gun. She smiled to herself. Being only 15, she was extremely good at firing guns. She aimed, shot, and took out a shooter. She did this continuously, until all shooters were dead. She looked around the crowd, making sure that nobody was wounded. Nobody was wounded, good. She jumped back through the window, and was immediately greeted by Asami. Hiroshi was nowhere to be seen. "You should get that looked at," Asami motioned to the bullet wound on Korra's leg.

"It's fine. I can take out the bullet later and wrap it up," Korra said, trying to be modest. Truth is, her leg really hurt. It felt like poison coursing through her entire leg.

"I saw you limping earlier. Either you take the wound seriously, or I will," Asami said, lightly wrapping her arms around Korra's neck. Asami leaned her head into Korra's neck, nuzzling her face into the crook.

"What are you-"

"Don't worry about it," Asami whispered, closing her eyes slightly. Her body went limp right after Korra wrapped her arms around Asami's waist.

"You're tired?" Asami just nodded, a slight snore coming from her a second later. "Okay. Up you go," Korra said, lifting Asami up as she wrapped her legs around Korra's torso. Korra was happy that she knew the whole mansion, so she knew where the taller girls room was. She put Asami down on the bed, and covered her up. "Get some sleep. I have to do my rounds, but I'll be back later," she assured the now sleeping girl.

When she left the room, Hiroshi greeted her. "Now. Here's what you did wrong earlier," he said, leading Korra to his office.

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