The End

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I'm in college. I've got five classes, a massive amount of homework in all of them, and duties that require my time and attention. All of that has put this obscene amount of stress on me, and while writing on this platform isn't stressful, it definitely doesn't stop stress. This book was originally going to be longer, with more to it. However, because of my current mental situation, I've found myself unable to write more. I wish I could've continued this longer and give you more of what you want to read, but it's just gotten hard at this point to make everything fit nicely together. In saying that, this will be the last chapter.

To build on that, this isn't a chapter. This book will not have a finishing point, and there are a lot of reasons. Many of you know that this book isn't necessarily a cleanly written grouping of chapters. It's got ideas and little bits thrown in randomly, and it's more-so a collection of thoughts than a book at this point.

An example of this is the ages. I know I kinda messed up in the first chapter and there's a lot of mistakes about ages that I've found myself unable to fix, so there's that. There's also plot holes and unfinished plot developments.

So, I can do one of two things without it being overly stressful for me.

I can stop this book all together.


I can create a one shot book that reflects off of the ideas shown in this book.

I'm going to let you choose, but I will not be continuing this book until some sort of end it reached. I can't do that without harming my own mental health and stability, and I'm hoping you understand. I thank you for reading, and if you have any ideas for points that could be finished in a different book, feel free to comment or dm me, and I'd gladly talk about them with you.

I love interacting with you guys, and I love all the silly comments I get to read every day. Please continue being fans, because even just a like or a comment makes me feel so good, no matter how many I have. For this book to have blown up like it did it amazing, and I can't thank you enough for that. Thank you again, and I love you all.

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