Part 5: Weekend Fun?

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Korra, thankfully, knew how to ride a motorcycle. This was because she was to ride her Mistress to a lake, which was connected to the ocean by a river. However, the road to get there was thin, and only accessible by bike. Mako was making Asami... Um, her Mistresses dinner, and if she was lucky, her breakfast for the next morning. But right now, Korra was wheeling the breakfast cart to Asami's room. She sniffed the pancakes, smelling the wine that was accidentally included, and decided that they were perfect either way. The apple juice was still fresh, and that was pretty much it. Simple, yet hopefully delicious. Korra knocked on the door, and then opened it, walking in without the tray. "Mistress, your breakfast is here," Korra said softly. She had learnt this little trick from Bolin, along with his advice from earlier.

Groaning, Asami sat up. "Bring it in, Korra," she said.

"Yes Mistress," Korra bowed, got up, and got the tray. By this time, Asami was already in a seat to eat her breakfast. Korra mentally kicked herself, forgetting that she should've helped Asami to her seat. She brought the tray to Asami, holding the cup in her own hands. Asami would eat a few bites, take a sip from the glass, and then repeat. When she was finished, Korra gave her a napkin to wipe her face off.

"Was there wine in that?" Asami asked, giggling.

"By accident, Mistress," Korra answered.

"Don't say that. That was amazing!"

"Thank you, Mistress," Korra said, taking the napkin and putting all of the dirty dishes on the cart. "Complements to the chef again, Mistress?"

"Of course!"

Korra bowed, almost smiling. She left the cart in the corner of her room, and went to pick out the girls clothes. She had a bit of trouble, but soon settled on a swimsuit bikini, along with jeans and a tee-shirt. Everything was red except for the jeans, which were blue. Asami said that she didn't need help putting everything on, and told Korra to come back in ten minutes. Korra did as told so she could wheel the cart back to the kitchen, and put on an underlayer of clothes that could get wet but not ruined. It was the weekend, and Asami told Korra what they were doing when she was done with her breakfast. Korra wasn't sure if swimming in a possibly shark infested lake was safe, but hey, it was Asami's call. When Korra got back to Asami's room, Asami just finished getting ready. "Go ahead, Korra. You've been waiting all morning," Asami smiled.

"Mistress, today is your day off. You have already told me that you are going to the lake today, but what else do you intend to do?"

"Today is my day off, Korra. I will do what I intend to do, and you will not complain," Asami said, smiling.

"Y-yes Mistress," Korra said, a bit taken back.

"Come on, then," Asami ushered.

Korra followed Asami out to the motorcycle house, and let the taller girl pick out the one she wanted to take. It was red, with black and white symbols all over it, along with a bright red Sato symbol on the front. It looked fast enough, along with the smoothness of the wheels. Korra nodded her approval, and hopped on. Asami handed the girl a helmet, and put on her own. Korra put on her own helmet as Asami hopped on behind her. Korra didn't react as Asami wrapped her arms around her, and started to make her way down the street. There were no problems getting to the lake, other than a stray leaf blowing in front of the bike. When they got to the lake, Korra got off of the motorcycle, and took Asami's helmet. She locked the two together, and helped Asami off the bike. She then locked the bike in place so nobody would steal it, and followed Asami to the lake. It looked clean, and was large. Korra spotted the river on the side, and made sure to watch out for Asami going too close.

Next thing Korra knew, Asami was in the bathing suit she picked out. Korra blushed, but kept her composure. The girl was skinny, and had quite a few muscles along her torso. "Are you going to come in?"

"Only on request, Mistress," Korra bowed.

"Well requested!"

Korra stood, but didn't move. "Are you sure, Mistress?"

"Didn't I say 'No complaints'?"

"Yes, Mistress," Korra sighed, starting to unbutton her shirt. She had on a sports bra, which was a swimsuit top enough. She also took off her dress pants, which had swimsuit short shorts underneath. Korra then realized that she forgot to take off her tie, but Asami found out first.

"Don't get this wet. It's.... Important," she whispered in Korra's ear, grabbing and tugging on the tie. It didn't untie, though, just tugged on Korra's neck.

"Yes, Mistress," Korra said back, whispering slightly.

Asami giggled, and started to take off the tie. She didn't take the knot off, however, only slightly loosened it. She slipped it over Korra's head, Korra ducking her head to help Asami. Not that she needed it. Asami was taller than her. Asami set the tie aside, and grabbed Korra's hand, sauntering into the lake. Korra followed, feeling the cool grasp of Asami's hand. Asami then broke into a sprint, running into the surprisingly cold water. She screamed once her knees got into the water, not expecting the lake to be as cold as it was. She jumped, and clung onto Korra. Korra went with it, holding Asami bridal style.

"Would you like to try that again, Mistress?" Korra asked, the cold water up to her waist. She held Asami just above the water.

"Yeah. Just lower me into the water," Asami said, still clinging to Korra's neck.

"Yes Mistress," Korra followed the command, lowering Asami into the water. She let the water hit Asami's butt, then her legs, and then her back.

"Okay, you're good," Asami said. "And you don't have to call me Mistress," she pointed out as Korra put her down.

"Yes Ma'am," Korra smiled.

"Hey Korra?"

"Yes... Asami?"

Asami didn't answer, instead shoved Korra under the water, the cold water surrounding her. Korra, being trained by Hiroshi himself, could hold her breath for up to five minutes. She sat there, waiting for Asami to let her above the water again. "How does she hold her breath for this long?" Asami was waiting nearly three minutes for Korra to start struggling, but nothing came. She soon let Korra above the water, who only took small breaths of air.

Korra smiled, diving back under the water. Asami followed her with her eyes until she decided to dive under the water as well. Korra was there to greet her, a smile on her face. Asami smiled back. The next thing Asami knew, Korra was being pulled backwards. Korra understood what was going on, and loosened up her leg, which was being pulled on by a few rows of teeth. She went to punch the creature, and hit it's nose. It drew back. A shark. Korra swam to Asami, picked her up, and carried her out of the lake. She set Asami down on her feet, and fell backwards. Her leg was in excruciating pain, and it felt like Korra had already quite a lot of blood. Asami knelt next to Korra, who was lying on her back.

"Are you okay, Korra?"

Korra then remembered her duties. Butlers can't die before their master or mistress. Korra sat up, smiling. "I'm fine." 

She then remembered Asami's own rule. Never, ever, lie to me.

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