Part 4: Time Limits

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Korra plopped on her red and black bed, which was in her new assigned room. Asami had rushed through dinner, and made Korra run three miles to check on the Sato Greenhouse, which was completely fine and actually thriving. After that, Korra was to tuck Asami into her bed, and stand there for an hour waiting for her to fall asleep. She may or may not have been staring, but she definately wasn't caught. She was then on night hours, still being the one of three active security guards. The others hold guns and walk around, but don't do anything. Korra took three quick laps of the estate, only spotting a stray puppy and giving it to a boy on the street.

She soon finished, and hopped through a window. Hiroshi was waiting. 'I have got to start using the door,' Korra though to herself.

"So, Butler Korra?"

"Yes sir," Korra stood up straight despite the soreness in her back.

"You haven't come to get your gun or suit yet. I assume you've been busy?"

"Yes sir. My apologies sir," Korra answered.

He handed Korra the suit, which was black with a bright red tie, a white undershirt, and black pants. There was a Sato logo on the front. The gun rested on top. He later walked away. Sighing, Korra made her journey back to her room. She stepped through the door, being left alone inside the red painted walls and thick floor and ceiling. She looked around, studying the dark wood desk, neat bed, and dark wood drawer. The drawer was to hold her clothes, and other possessions. The desk was in case Ms. Sato needed help decoding a message or if Korra had work to do. The bed, for obvious reasons, was to sleep and rest on. Korra then noticed a door, and walked to it. A closet. She looked back to the bed, and made a decision on what to do next.

She walked out of her room, and decided to start breakfast(HA! You thought she was gonna sleep!). Korra headed to the kitchen, and called for the chef. He showed up a second later. "M-Miss Korra! What are you doing awake this late?"

"I wish for us to begin Ms. Sato's breakfast. Do you happen to have any ideas?"

"Maybe an omelet with cheese, green peppers, and a fruit cup?"

The chef was awaiting a scolding for the minor idea, but Korra honestly thought it was an amazing idea. "Very well. Allow me to help you," she grinned. The chef smiled.

\(Time Skip of Ten Hours, Making it 8:00 AM)/

Korra wheeled the breakfast cart to Asami's room door, and knocked lightly on it. No response. She checked the food, making sure the omelet was still warm. It was, and Korra then checked the fruit cup. Or bowl, since it was in a bowl. It was a mixture of raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and some cantaloupe. Korra decided that everything was as it should be, and she knocked again. "Come in," a soft voice said.

Korra opened the door, and wheeled the cart in. In the middle of making the breakfast, Korra had changed into her uniform. "Mistress, your breakfast," Korra bowed, and motioned to the tray.

"Smells good, when did you make it?"

"Over-night, Mistress," Korra stood from her bow.

"Did you get any sleep, Korra?"

"That was not necessary, Mistress," Korra answered.

"Sleep is always necessary, especially for you, Korra. Tonight, I want you getting at least an hour of sleep," Asami said. She got off her bed, and walked over to the tray of food. 'That looks delicious,' Asami thought to herself.

"Yes, Mistress," Korra said, watching as Asami grabbed the tray. She was taught to stay in the room as her Mistress ate her meal, and then help her get dressed. About ten minutes later, Asami finished the omelet and fruit, and drank some of the orange juice that was included in her meal.

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