Part 12: The First, Second, and Third Kiss

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(I would like to sarcastically thank the one person who said they would love a 3000 word long chapter, because here I am challenging myself. Thank you, and please be patient with asking for more chapters after this. I think a minimum of 1000 words would work, but HERE WE GO WITH 3000!!!)

Asami's eyes had widened, and she leaned backwards while grabbing Korra's shoulders. They had pulled apart, and Korra was already blushing mad at what she just did. "I-I..."

Asami shook her head, sighing before leaning forwards and kissing Korra again. Asami herself would have been shocked had she not been the one to kiss Korra the second time. After pulling away again, Asami just turned around and sat back down in her seat.

"Are we... not going to talk about that?"

"There's nothing to talk about, Korra," Asami sighed, keeping her back turned to the tanner girl.

Korra sighed, walking over to Asami and kneeling next to her chair. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have-"

"It doesn't matter, Korra!"

Korra paused, thinking about that. She had a confused face, but she decided to stay next to Asami.

"Korra," a sigh accompanied the name, "you are dismissed for now," Asami said, her face seeming tired.

"No," Korra insisted.


"I'm not leaving," she said.

"It's an order!"

"I refuse!"

"Korra!" Asami stood up quickly, her face red. She clenched her hands into fists, and eventually turned to glare at Korra. Her gaze softened when she saw Korra's face, which was almost scared. Almost. Her voice grew quieter, weaker, before the wealthy female just sat on the ground, leaning against the leg of the table next to her.

"Asami..." Korra said, then blinked before correcting herself. "M-Mistress?" She asked softly, leaning forwards to try and get a good view of Asami's face.

Asami stood rather abruptly, turning her back to Korra and walking down the hallway to the kitchen.

As she would've done anyway, Korra stood and followed, confused. "Um... Mistress, where are you going?"

"My home office," came the immediate response from Asami, not even bothering to look back at Korra. "I have work to do. You may come if you'd like," Asami said, approaching a room that Korra always assumed was a guest bedroom. Asami herself opened the door and walked into the room, and this was when Korra found out that it wasn't a bedroom. "This is my extra study," Asami said, walking to a desk and sitting down. 

Looking around the room, Korra immediately noticed three things. The first one was that the room was supremely messy, and I'm not talking dirty or full of Taco Bell bags or anything like that. Papers were scattered haphazardly around the room, and the only walking space was a rather direct line from the door and to the chair of the desk, as well as small spider-web-like patterns of clean floor that led to various piles of paper. The second thing was that there were no windows. At all. The room was closed in on all walls except for the wall that held the only entrance and exit, the door. The final thing? Well, that was that Asami didn't have her focus on the obscene amount of papers on her desk. Asami's green eyes were locked on Korra, who only noticed this when she looked back at the rich woman. 

"Korra," Asami said lowly, her gaze lowering to Korra's jawline, then back up to her eyes. "Come," she said, and the immediate response was Korra's quiet 'Yes, Mistress', and the nearly silent steps that were taken to close the distance between the two.

"Mistress," Korra started, kneeling in front of Asami. The motion would've felt natural for Korra had the reason she knelt not been Asami quite literally pulling her down by her tie. The tie was now between two of Asami's fingers, and just that motion was enough to make Korra blush quite a bit. 

"Yes, Korra?" Asami finally made eye contact with Korra, and it made her smirk. Asami looked down at her butler with an almost appraising look, her hand tugging a bit on the tie.

"Aren't you going to..." she paused to shift a bit closer to Asami, the tug on her tie causing her to lean forwards a bit, "work?"

This caused Asami to laugh a bit, leaning down to Korra's level. "Oh, Korra," Asami hummed, her lips just a couple inches from Korra's. "This will be work. Hard work, for you," she said, a small purr in the back of her throat. 

((Let's just plop a little timeskip in here. Nothing big, just a timeskip of lets say... two hours? Yeah, two hours. If you dirty-imagination-having people wish to read something that goes into details, my good friend @LandFalcon is in the works of a book called Sundance, and while it isn't Korrasami, I'm sure she'll be able to write any intense fanfiction you can think of. Anyway!))

Anyway, two hours later, Korra was on the floor, sitting with her side leaned against Asami's legs. Korra's head was resting on her own arms, which were folded on Asami's bare lap. Asami's hand was idly rubbing Korra's head, her fingers running through the shorter girls hair and her nails gently scratching against her scalp. "Korra," Asami said lightly, earning a small questioning hum from the brunette on the ground. "You will be with me 24/7, understand?"

"Yes, Mistress," Korra said softly, her voice smooth but quiet. 

"And it is not to do this, understand?" Asami smirked down at Korra, watching her shoulders move a bit in a chuckle. 

"Yes, Mistress," Korra said, lifting her head to look up at Asami. She smiled at her, and eventually stood up, taking a moment to get her footing before extending a hand to Asami.

The taller woman promptly took Korra's hand, standing and getting dressed. The duo walked to Asami's bedroom, where Korra immediately forgot about being with Asami 24/7. Korra picked out silk pajamas for Asami, set them on her bed, and made her way over to the door. 

"Korra? Where do you think you're going?" Asami asked, a small snap in her voice as she watched Korra almost leave her room. 

"My... my room?" Korra said, questioning why Asami seemed annoyed at this. 

"It better be to get your painkillers and come back," Asami said, her brow twitching slightly as she soon saw the realization on Korra's face.

"Wait... you were serious?"


"Oh! Well, yeah then. I'm going to grab my painkillers, get a change of clothes for the night, and then come back," Korra said, nodding mostly to herself, as if figuring out what she was doing.

"Oh, spirits," Asami sighed, watching Korra leave the room. "That girl doesn't need an enemy. She's a danger to herself," she said to herself, laughing slightly at the thought of it. 

Korra herself made her way to her own room, grabbing a dark blue tank top and black shorts. She ended up just putting her pills in a small bag, tossing her clothes on her shoulder before walking back to Asami's room. 

"Do you have everything you need for the night?" Asami asked, raising a brow. She was already dressed, and ended up sitting on her bed to wait for Korra.

"Uh, yeah, I think so," she said, setting the bag of pills on a side desk. 

"Feel free to get changed," Asami said, laying on the one side of the king-sized bed. 

Korra nodded, quickly stripping and getting redressed in her clothes. She then laid down next to Asami, who turned over and nuzzled into Korra's arm. Korra just wrapped that arm around Asami's shoulders and pulled her closer, letting Asami lay on her chest.

((I know I said 3000, but I have no good ideas for the rest of this chapter. The next chapter will be the last one, so please give me ideas for new books and such.))

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