Chapter 2: Lauren

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I remember taking her home for the first time. I was so happy. I remember setting her down in her cot that night, with a big grin on her face, and mine. She didn't sleep at all that night, so I stayed with her, sat on the rocking chair in the corner of her room. We spent the entire night looking at each other. Neither of us made a sound. We were happy. But that was all about to change...


The door bell woke me at around 7am. I was irritated to have my sleep interrupted, but happy for the distraction. Rolling out of bed, I quickly threw on my kimono, and raced downstairs. Thank God I had gone to bed in my black vest top and shorts, because there was no time to change.

Opening the door, I was greeted by Justin, my gorgeous ex boyfriend. A grin spreading across my face, I hugged him and opened the door wider to let him in.

Whilst it sounds weird to have such a comfortable, happy relationship with my ex, it makes perfect sense when you hear our break up story.

We were supposed to be meeting for lunch, but what seemed like a casual date turned into something much more dramatic.

I had text him the day before, requiring an urgent meeting. He agreed to meet me in the café, where we first met. He said he had to talk to me too.

I could tell something was wrong from the second I saw him, as he came through the door, brow furrowed, biting his lip. He looked around, saw me sat in the corner, and practically ran over to me.

"Hey babe", I stood up to embrace him. I remember it felt awkward and uncomfortable, not at all like our usual laid back relationship.

He nodded at me as a sign of acknowledgement, and almost whispered: "Uh... So... What did you wanna talk about...?"

"You go first hon." I replied.

He bit his lip and held my hands as he began to speak.
"Oh God... Right... So... Argh I can't!" He looked ashamed, and turned away from me.
"What is it? Justin, look at me! What's wrong?"
"I... So... We've been together for a while now babe, and at first, I was head over heels in love with you. I wanted nothing more than to be with you, all the time, to hold you in my arms, and tell you how much I loved you. But, recently I was looking at all my friends as they went out with their girlfriends, and I realised the truth. Our relationship... It's not real hon."
"Sorry, I'm not explaining this very well... It's just, I think we've run dry, you know? This relationship... It isn't going anywhere. We've been at this same stage for years now, and nothing has happened. I feel as if... I'm sorry Laurie but my feelings towards you have changed..."
"I..." I felt my eyes beginning to water.
"I am going to be honest with you babe. Recently, I haven't been totally straight with you... And... I'm in love with someone else. God I'm so sorry. These last few years have been great, and you haven't done anything wrong, it's just that, well... She's just so perfect."
"Have you... Have you slept with her?" Tears began to stream out of my eyes.
"Yes. I'm so sorry. I've started to properly take notice of her recently, and I just couldn't help myself from staring at her. She noticed, and came over. She was so forward, then all of a sudden she was kissing me, pressing me up against the wall, and I just couldn't help myself. It's happened a few times in the last few months. I am such a horrible person... I'm so sorry Lauren."

I sobbed into my hands, and he put his arm around me, in an attempt to comfort me.

"Listen to me Lauren. You are an amazing girl, and you deserve so much better than a jerk like me. Someday, a guy will see how truly amazing you are, and he will treat you properly." He whispered.

"I'm sor..."
"Laurie, I..."
"JUSTIN! Listen to me!"
"What is it...?"
"I... I'm pregnant."

He stumbled back, shocked.
"Oh God Laurie... Oh God, I'm so sorry... Is it definitely mine?"
"It's yours."
"Oh Laurie... Are you going to keep it?"
"Yes... I don't think I can face adoption... Or an abortion, you know what my mother would say. So what choice do I have?"
"Laurie. I promise you, I will not abandon you. Whilst we may not be together anymore, I'm gonna make every effort to support you and the baby. I will help financially, and will be there whenever you need me. I swear. And Laurie? I'm sorry. I really mean it."

As you can see, whilst he was a total idiot, he was really supportive about the whole pregnancy thing.

Justin walked inside smiling, dumped his bag on the chair, and whispered "Is she sleeping?". I nodded, and suddenly, as if knowing what we were talking about, she started crying again.

Noticing my frustration, Justin patted me on the shoulder and said "I've got this one.", then proceeded to go upstairs. I smiled thankfully, then stumbled into the living room, eyes half closed. Exhaustion consumed me, and I collapsed onto the sofa, falling instantly asleep.

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