chapter seven

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their relationship wasnt quite official, but it felt that way. it actually felt normal, which lead jungkook to believe that they had always really acted this way, just neither of them cared to admit it before now. no labels was nice, though, because it meant no pressure, they just were what they were and thats it. i love your hands, taehyung wrote down one evening, showing it to jungkook as he fiddled with jungkooks slim fingers. jungkook smiles widely at him, planting a small kiss to taehyungs temple, which caused taehyung to flutter his eyes shut.

as taehyung lay in jungkooks lap, jungkooks hand in his light blonde hair, jungkooks mind began to drift. he had recently been looking into the top universities that he would like to attend, in an attempt to convince his mother that he actually was thinking of his future. but, god, university was so far away and taehyung would be so far away and even the mere thought of that tugged at his heart strings. even though he had already applied to some, he had expected not to get in. taehyung lifted his hand up, gently touching jungkooks face and simultaneously breaking him out of his thoughts.

taehyung quirked an eyebrow up at him, a gesture that jungkook had come to learn meant; what are you thinking about? or whats up? jungkook just sighed and shook his head, smiling lightly at the boy laying in his lap. he had now known taehyung for over two months now, but in his mind it felt like an eternity. he felt like taehyung had always been there, even though technically he hadnt. he just felt familiar to jungkook in a way that nothing else ever has. "nothing, tae, just thinking about random stuff, i guess." jungkook said, and taehyung decided it was best not to push.

after jungkook had left taehyungs house the next morning, he went straight to the post office. he had a college application to his top college clutched in his hands, and his heart beat was extremely fast paced as he shakily dropped it off. it was his top pick regarding college choices and he secretly hoped that he would get accepted this time. even though taehyung would be far and he would miss him like crazy, he wanted to do this for his mom and, maybe, even for himself.

he then went back home, he hadnt been there very long over the last few days, all of his time saved just for taehyung. jungkooks mother was in the kitchen when he arrived. "jungkook ah, is that you?" she called out, her familiar voice making jungkook smile. instead of answering, jungkook just walked over to her, kissing her on the cheek in greeting. "i feel like i havent seen you in forever, honey." she chuckled, causing jungkook to let out a sigh of relief. he was so glad his mother hadnt been mad or yelled at him. she had been in a better mood recently, which he was happy about.

when his mother sat with him at their small table, she could tell something was on his mind. "are you okay, jungkook?" she asked carefully, her eyes trained on her son. jungkook sighed and avoided her line of sight. "theres this- theres this boy. and- and i really like him." he started, tears welling up in his eyes as he had never even told his mom about his sexuality before. when he finally got the courage to look over to her, she was merely sipping her coffee normally. she set the cup down and smiled, "thats nice, whats his name?" 

jungkook was utterly astonished, having thought that his mother would be confused or upset or something. but she just smiled and reached for jungkooks hand across the table. "jungkook, i know i can be hard on you, but thats just because i care. even though i yell and get angry at you, doesnt mean that i dont love you no matter what the circumstances." she said gently, jungkooks heart swelling with each word. he did nothing, just wiped his tears and laughed in relief. "all we have to do is figure out how to explain the whole gay thing to grandma. i dont think she even knows its a thing." his mother laughed, and the sound made jungkook really, really happy.


a/n juNGKOOK + HIS MAMA BONDING IS MY FAVE (there will be more of taehyung in the next chap dont worry, i just wanted to get this part out of the wayyy!)

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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