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Um, if anyone wonders how I upload so fast, it's because these chapters we had posted on another site, well, I can usually just copy paste them here. We're nearing the end of pre written chapters, so upload is going to start being very slow. Sorry for the inconvenience. ~Eya 

  I watched with scared eyes as the blond haired man ended the other. I almost screamed, but I stopped myself.Be brave, Garroth. I turned my gaze up to the blond haired man. He was standing there, his eyes open wide. Suddenly, a Glittering black onyx appeared on the ground, somehow pulsing with energy and light. He ran to pick it up, and a silver chain appeared and linked itself onto the hilt of his sword. He turned and ran over to us, a concerned look on his face. "Are you alri- he started. "I'm fine!" I snapped before he could finish. "Except that my hands are glowing..I said under my breath, just quiet enough that he couldn't hear. He took a deep long breath. "We have to get out of here..Somehow.." He mumbled to himself. "There is the portal...But that's blocked." Wait....Did he just say the portal...Can I open it? The first time my hands started glowing, so did the portal. But I don't know how I did it, just that it happened! I was thinking about Mom, Dad, and everyone. Maybe that'll work? "I-I think I can help!" I exclaimed suddenly. "You. Can Help?" He looked at me sceptically. "Yes..I think so.." I told him. "Um, watch!" I said, pointing my hands toward the shining quartz portal. I thought of my parents, my friends, and of my brother, Laurance. I watched in amazement as they began to glow, covered in a shimmery red veil, then the portal started glowing the same color around the edges. "Woah..You can use magicks? I've never heard of realm breaker magicks before though." He looked astonished. He slowly picked up my brother, looking right at me. "Can you open that..?" He asked me pleadingly. "I don't know! They just glow!" I snapped. I hope this is right...I don't want anything to go wrong. I actually don't know anything about magicks or magicks users, but I was told they could exist. Maybe we could run at it? Well, like, not run at it but try to open it then run into it. Maybe. I'm not so sure. But it's worth a shot. "Hey, can you lift me up?" I asked. "Well, alright." He hoisted me up and placed me on his shoulder. "Be ready to run.." I told him. "Alright..." He said weirdly. I felt my mind slow. I was suddenly aware of my surroundings, the clear water rushing in the fountain, and the ominous chimes of the bell sounding in the distance.    I remembered a word of a language I had never heard before. "Akeru!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Let's hope this works.. The portal suddenly burst into what looked like bright red flames, then fizzled out to reveal a blood red doorway, sending out little sparks every now and then. I felt myself became weak. I-I can't hold this for much longer.."Run! Now! Hurry!" I yelled. He sprinted towards the pearly white portal, just making it before it shut behind us. We did it....I sighed in relief as I passed out, falling into a dark void yet again, wondering what awaited us on the other side.

Some things are not quite done with Kia's POV, (which is the next chapter that is going to be up.) I noticed a little bit of a plot hole, So I have decided to split it up into 3 parts. The first one will be posted today, and the second one is one that I have to write up myself. So I do not know when it will be up. ~Eya  


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