The Lunchbox Crew

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There might not be authors notes at the end, cause' I'm lazy xD (No not really) I just can't think of anything to say except to thank everyone for reading. :3 You guys r awesome. Without further adue, I present to you, the finale chapter of the three parter. 

Kia's Pov, Part 2. *Another violence warning, some violence as well. You are warned.) It takes place a year after the last chapter. 

This was the day. The day I would escape this horrible place. I mean, the lord already had, after struggling to get out for three days or so. But that was before it happened...I knew the Nether portal could be re-opened, but it required a sacrifice. Then it would take us to..To somewhere. Anywhere but here. So I would have to make my way through without being noticed. I had 1 hour to get my things and escape. Sasha had shown me how to un-transform, or really, I had myself. I had acquired a new outfit, with a chestplate and blades hidden under the sleeves. I had luckily found a group of rebels, ones who had been taken but hadn't settled into the mind of a shadow knight. We had all met up secretly, between training and such. We had formatted a plan, to get out together. We knew we could do it because we had heard the stories of a man that had escaped, keeping himself from fully transforming by remembering the one he loved. Maybe that was why I didn't fully transform. Maybe because I remembered Travis everyday, praying to Irene that he was ok. His short white hair, his soft green and red eyes, and his bright smile. I stood on the left side of the fortress, where the Nether portal was located. I was about to signal the others when I felt a soft tap on my shoulder.

 "Hey, Kia. Whatcha up too?" A curious voice questioned. Gene?! I turned around to see him standing there, sporting his regal red armour and his staff. After the Shadow Knight, Zenix, had gone mad, Gene claimed rule. He had been in a quarrel for  the title with Zenix. 

 "W-weren't you supposed to be training the rookies?" I stuttered. 

"I thought you were too." He mused. A chill ran down my back as a dark shadow ran past me. It was time.

 "I'm sorry, Gene, forgive me for this." I murmured. I turned and started sprinting down the path to the portal, followed by 10 others, minus the one that came first. I heard Gene call out to someone, then hesitate.

 "Sasha! Grab the rookies and head toward the portal entrance! Now!" I heard a faraway voice reply. "B-but Gene! They're only rookies!"

"No questions! Just do it!" Gene fumed.
Authoress silently starts chuckling

 Editor facepalms then hits author with phonebook 

Authoress cringes and starts writing again

 I turned my focus to the obsidian portal that stood in front of us. We have to do it..I heard the loud clanking of the Shadow Knight's armour. I knew we had to do the sacrifice, their was no other way. I took my daggers, the red metal and silver patterns glinting in the red glow of the torches. I reluctantly strutted over to one of the Shadow Knights in our party, Kim. She was a woman, middle aged with long black hair. She mostly preferred to keep her past a secret. I was the same. I took a shaky breath. "Ready?" I asked her.

 "Whatever it takes to get you and the others out" She replied grimly

 All of a sudden there was a clash of swords. A strained voice called out to me.

 "Kia! Hurry! They're advancing quickly and we can't hold them back much longer! Augh!" A voice cried out in agony. I grimaced and held one of my daggers above Kim. I said the words to open the portal, bringing the knife down at a quick pace. I closed my eyes for a moment. Just let it be over with...


I opened my eyes to see chaos erupting around me. Many of my friends lying dead on the ground, some gravely wounded. And then, standing in front of me was Gene, staff in hand. He had a smug smile on his face. 

"You don't have to do this Ki-" He was cut short as the ground shook violently, knocking us off of our feet and many of the other Shadow Knights as well. I whipped around to the direction where the portal was. It was no longer an empty hole, and it had gotten massive somehow. Fires blazed near the obsidian base, the portal the color of a dark purple. One of my comrades called out to me.

 "Now's your chance! Go! Kia! Run!" He shouted as he cut down by one of the rookies. no no! No no no no! This can't be happening! It wasn't supposed to go like this! We were all supposed to get out together, we had promised each other...My eyes clouded over with tears. They sacrificed themselves for me..And now they're all dead because of me... I turned to sprint to the portal before I was struck multiple times, cold steel piercing my skin. I cried out in pain as I was struck again, and again, somehow still being able to run. My eyes started clouding over, partially blinding my sight. Before I could jump through the portal, something clutched my arm. Gene. He was laughing, as if he had won. I smirked. "Bye now." I scoffed. 

 I tried to tug away from him, but instead I pulled him in with me through the portal. It felt like I was free falling through darkness, no where to go, nothing to grab on to. I grimaced as I gingerly felt the wounds on my back. I had cuts and bruises all down my back, multiple on my right leg, my chestplate was broken, and I was bleeding heavily. I couldn't feel much, and everything was blurry. I sighed. No one would care if I was gone anyway. But...I wanted to see the world again. To see Travis again. But I couldn't, not now. Not like the last time...Not the way I am. I'm a monster, a monster that kills and hurts innocent people without remorse. I've had to hurt people on missions...But now I never really thought about it. I got sucked in to the daily happenings in the Nether, taking missions and training the rookies. I knew it wasn't my fault, they had been controlling me. Ever since I had gained my immortality, my mind felt changed, irregular. Like I was reaching out for something, but never finding it, 

a temptation.
Like all your hopes and dreams would come true, that you didn't have to hurt anymore. There was the slightest chance I would live from this. Even if I did die, at least I lived knowing that I tried to do something about who I am. I then saw a pair of green eyes staring right at me. Who...? Did anyone make it with me? Then I remembered. I had taken Gene with me when I went into the portal. Mother of Irene! Why did he get pulled in of all people?! I would be dead for my betrayal as soon as we got out, and it would not be pretty. "Irene help me now. " I mumbled through wet tears. I slowly closed my eyes, falling into a deep slumber I may never awake from. 

Well. That escalated quickly. *cough* Maybe to quickly *Cough*  

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and have a great day. :3 ~Eya 


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