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Just to tell everyone, as I mentioned before, Kia's Pov is being split up into 3 parts in all. The Second one will come out late, as I need to write it up from scratch. Thanks, ~Eya  

Kia's Pov. 

I remember when it happened. When everything in my life came crashing to the ground. When they came.

It was a day like any other, Silas and I patrolling the village. It was a peaceful, quaint little village located in a clearing, surrounded by a massive forest. There were not many people in the village just yet, it was a growing one, therefore the target of thieves, bandits, and other troublemakers. The forest was declared cursed, haunted by specters. Of course, I don't really believe in that kind of talk, but I believe they could exist, just not here. we were on the outskirts to the east, where the village laid its crops. Suddenly, I could hear a faint sound coming from all directions. It sounded like thousands of people, all marching in unison, making the ground tremble. All of a sudden, I was knocked to the ground and Silas was shaking me, asking me if I was alright. I wanted to tell him I was alright, but before I could, he was knocked to the ground by a robust figure clad in black and red armor. (if that's not right, please correct it for me.) I tried to yell out to anyone near, hoping to catch their attention. But nobody came. I yelled again, but then I blacked out. I woke up on a cold slab of rock. I tried to move my hands and legs, but they were clasped in iron cuffs. I raised my head up as much as I could, peering around at the room in front of me. I was in some sort of chamber, it seemed, though really I couldn't see anything else at this angle. A woman with long white hair and purple eyes stood above me, smiling smugly at me.

"Well, well, well. Look who's finally awake." She complained. "You've been asleep for hours."

"Wh-where am I? And who are you?" I asked her.

"Oh, it's not just you here, sweetie." She purred. I looked to my left, only to see what I really didn't. They had taken the village lord. He was unconscious, his brown hair parted to the sides of his face. All of a sudden the woman unclasped the holds on my arms and legs.

"Take a look! The new and improved you!" She said in delight. I studied my surroundings, slowly taking everything in. In the top right corner of the room was a cracked mirror, with faded gold lining. It was a really bleak room actually, with nether brick walls and no doors. The only things that occupied the small room were the broken mirror, a hardwood chair that was chipped and broken, and the reddish slabs of rock I had woken up on. Iron braziers holding red torches lined the walls, casting an eerie red glow on the room. I walked towards the cracked mirror and gasped. Throughout the all the cracks and shards, I could see I was dressed in red and black lined armor, much like the person that took down Silas was wearing. Am I one of them? A big glittering sword hung at my side, and red particles swirled around me. The weird thing was that my eyes were no longer purple, but a crimson red. (No, she does not have immortality...yet...)

"Wh-what am I?!" I exclaimed. She laughed sweetly.

"Why, a Shadow Knight of course. You'll just have to accept it." She chided. I clenched my teeth together. Suddenly, I heard a small groan. I turned to see the lord had awoken, but I was too in shock to take action, I couldn't move. Stupid body! Do something! A man with dark brown hair and minty green eyes stepped into the room, taking the lord and leading him to another room, perhaps. Before he left, he looked up at me and smiled.

"A new recruit, Sasha? Name's Gene." I just kept quiet, the lord, for some reason not protesting. I need to get out of here now! But I can't...Not just yet. Maybe if I abide by their rules I can gain their trust enough to be able to leave.Hopefully. I turned to face the woman.

"What's your name then?" I asked her.

"Sasha." She replied. "Feel free to look around..I feel you won't be escaping anytime soon." She laughed and started walking out of the room.

"Kia," I told her grimly, just before she left. She grinned.

"Loosening up, eh?" She then walked out, leaving me to wander the massive halls and intricate passage ways.

  End of part 1. To be continued. So I've finally introduced Kia into the story! Yay~ What do you think will happen will Kia now that she's a shadow knight? Will she ever see Silas again? I'm sure that'll be answered in part 2, so stay tuned for it. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed. ~Eya

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