Juhi Ai Aratani

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First Name: Juhi

Middle Name: Ai

Last Name Aratani

Nickname/Alias: Ai

Race: Elf

Gender: Female

Age: 1764 Years Old (Looks 16)

Family: Erufu Aratani (Mother) Rosuto Aratani (Father) Fukuro Aratani (Brother)

Look: Elf Ears, long scraggly black hair, one eye is Deep Purple with a scar underneath, Other eye is Light Purple with a scar across it. A faint light gray diamond blends into her pale skintone symbolizes her friend Irene. She wears a black cloak to hide her face. She also wears black clothing. She has a diamond Tiara. Quiver under cloak.

Occupation: Protector of Irene's Faith and Descendants.

Backstory: She lost her memory. All she remembers is knowing Irene. Doesn't know she is heir to the Yggdrasil Forest Monarchy. More will be explained.

Life Goals: To find Irene and get her memory back.

Lives: Juhi resides in the forest by Phoenix Drop

Personality: Secluded, Shy, Slightly Insane (Paranoia), Introvert, Secretive, Smart, Strategic

Fatal Flaw: She always sees the best in people.

Little Story: Not finished. Should be posted in a week or two.

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