Chapter 5: Drunk Love

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*NOTE!* At the end of the chapter are some things you might wanna read if u wanna be excited!;) secrets!! shhhhhh

Chapter 5:

Victoria's POV:

I've been in this room alllllll day. Johnson hasn't been back up to see me. I feel like they forgot about me. Maybe I can escape!

I go to the door and try the handle. Shit. Locked. As I turn to walk back to the bed, I hear someone start walking up the stairs. I run and sit in the corner of the room, shaking with fear.

The door handle is unlocked and Jason walks into the room.

"Hey babe. Wanna have some fun?" he slurs. Great, he's drunk. Now I'm gonna be raped or something.

He walks towards me and I shake violently.

"Stand up," he commands. When I don't make an effort to stand he says again, "Stand up! Didnt you hear me!?" I cringed and stood up.

"Come here," he said. I slowly began walking toward him. "Faster!" He said. Finally, I stood in front of him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. I felt his warm breath on my neck.

"Don't be nervous, babe."

He started kissing my neck and went up to my jawline. He didn't stop. A soft moan escaped his lips. There's nothing I can do. I'm gonna loose my innocence to some drunk jerk.

Before I knew it, he threw me on the bed and was on top of me. I whimpered. He wouldn't stop. His kisses on my neck grew more violent. His moans were louder but not as loud as they could be.

"S-stop, please," I managed to say. when he didn't stop, I got angry.

"I said stop it!" I yelled. I pushed his body off me.( I didn't know I could do that!!)He was heavy, but I somehow did it. I got off the bed and looked at him. Shock, hurt, pain, and anger were in his eyes.

"Never do that again," I said calmly. His hazel eyes went dark instantly.

"Don't tell me what to do!" he yelled. Then he slapped me. Hard. I fell to the floor, crying. He knelt next to me and tried to hug me. I pulled away before he could touch me.

He immediately got off the floor.

"Why can't you just love me!?" he yelled and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

I stopped crying. Did he just say that? He did. I need to leave. Now.

Jason's POV:

I don't understand. Why cant she just love me? Oh right. Im a monster. No one can love a monster.

I couldn't take this. I needed her. She didn't want me. She hates me now. It's all my fault. I'm so stupid! I pulled my fist back and punched the wall. I can live without her. I am Jason McCann. I don't need anybody. I'm here with the gang cuz they are like family.

Ugh, I guess I need to go apologize. Im not that drunk anymore. I hope she doesn't hate me. I walked up the stairs and opened the door. She wasn't in the room. I didn't lock the door when I left.

Johnson's gonna fucking kill me.


Ok soo Happy Birthday Liam! Hes 20 now!

Do you guys like the updated wattpad?

Anyways! hope you enjoyed the update. I'm thinking another update possibly Saturday or Sunday!

Secret time!!!!

•I'm thinking about a sequel. Depending on how this story goes, its a possibility!

• There is upcoming action! What you've read so far is nothing!!

• If the story goes the way I planned, the end might have a major "death" and a HUGE surprise, leading into a sequel!

• There's def gonna be something going on with Jason and Victoria!

• Lets just say..... action, guns, bombs

• We are gonna learn about Jason's past!

Well you have a lot to be excited for!! Keep reading to find out!

Stay sexy!!


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