Chapter 15: Not Again

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Chapter 15:

Victoria's POV:

       The boys quickly finished getting Ryan's belongings upstairs and into his room. They rushed downstairs and into the kitchen to make popcorn.

       "What movies did ya pick?" Ryan asked eagerly.

        "Pitch Perfect, Insidious 2, and Never Say Never," I answered, smirking at them. Their mouths fell open and their unfilled cups fell to the floor.

         "Hell no!" They both said at the same time.

         "No, you two need to know who he is and not judge him.  We are watching it. I will pin your eyes open and tie you to the couch so help me," I said.


         "The queen has spoken," Ryan said.

         "Fine, only cuz we are dating," Jason said, groaning.

          "Yay! Get the popcorn, we are watching it first, " I clapped my hands and ran and jumped on the couch. The guys groaned and got snacks and drinks. Jason and I cuddled on the couch while Ryan sat on the floor below us and stuffed popcorn in his mouth.

        The movie started and we all sat quiestly.

        We were learning and Justin's past. Pattie and Bruce were talking about their lives before the fame and how Justin was living. This part always made me cry.

       I looked at Jason and his eyes were glossy and he was locked on the tv. Ryan sat on the floor bawling his eyes out with a box of tissues. Men....


      All of us jumped up from our positions.

      "Its nothing," Jason said. Ryan began to wipe his eyes and face.

       "Dude are you....crying?" Jason asked, looking at Ryan.

        "No! I poked myself in the eye. Multiple times," Ryan answered sniffling.


        "Jason! That wasn't nothing!" I yelled. I ran to the window and gasped. There were three black vans parked out front. A dozen guys were scattered throughout  the front yard. The closest one held and gun and was pointing it upward. He shot it again.


       "Jason! They're everywhere!" I cried into his arms.

       " Babe, go hide in our room. I will be there soon. Ryan, you know what to do," Jason said. He made circles with his hand on my back.

       "Already on it Jason," Ryan yelled. He stood with two guns in his hands. I felt my eyes widen. I ran for the stairs. I looked back to see Jason with the gun.

        "Go, Tori, go!" He yelled. Ryan opened the door and then, they were gone. I raced upstairs and bursted into our bedroom. Slamming the door shut, I ran to the bed and slid underneath it. I was shaking. What if they died? I was crying, shaking, and scared shitless.

       Gunshots could be heard throughout the house. Everytime I heard one, I cringed. What if the one was Jason? Were the alright?

       Footsteps. I froze. They were coming toward the door. My heart was in my throat. I could hear my heart rate increase with each step this person took. They stopped outside the door.


      The door made a noise as it was slowly opened. This was shit out of a horror movie. My body was uncontrollably shaking. My  forehead was covered with sweat. I turned my head and saw black shoes next to me.

      Please don't look under the bed.


      I need to learn that shit happens. Before I knew it, I was beimg pulled out from under the bed. My screams, kicks and punches weren't doine much. I cried and cried, punched and clawed. It was meaningless.

     "Is this her boss?" A low, rough voice said next to me. I tried to squirm away, but their grip got tighter on my arms.

      "Yes, good work Tom," a familiar voice said. That son of a bitch...

       "Hey sexy," Chase said. I opened my eyes to see Chase smirking triumphantly.

       "Let me go!" I yelled. I screamed and kicked out, but nothing worked.

       "Why should I do that? I'm going to take care of you, make you feel great," he said in my ear.

        "Jason! Ryan!" I screamed.

         "Babe, I didn't come here just to get you, I mean I did, but killing them was a plus," Chase said.

         "You killed them?" I asked.

         "Of course! They would try to get you back," Chase said. I broke down in tears. How? Why? When?

         "Lets go boys!" Chase yelled down the hall. I was carried out of the room, down the stairs, and out of the house.

         "She's riding with me," Chase said. I was brought to one of the black vans and thrown in the back.

         "No! Please, let me go! Please!" I cried. They ignored me and hopped in the van. Chase got into the passenger seat.

        They can't be dead. They aren't. He said he would protect me! He wouldn't die! He's Jason McCann! He will die when he wants to die!

        I cried and yelled the whole time. I'm sick of it all. I need Jason, he would know what to do.

       This can't be happening. Not again. Not to me. Not to Jason, or Ryan.

       They are dead, and I'm gonna die.


Don't kill me!

Ryan is based off Ryan Butler.

Chaz is based off Chaz Somers.

Chase is based off Austin Mahone.

Now you know their looks!


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