Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I awoke the next morning with my head in the clouds. It hadn't hit me how inexplicable last night's events were until I started to connect the dots in my mind. In my head I imagined a long timeline stating when each encounter occured. Only now had everything really taken affect. Firstly the text message from the anonymous number. The name Drake flew around me as I struggled to put a face to it. I didn't know anyone named Drake. It wasn't exactly a common name. Had I once known him and when I lost my memory, I just forgot about him? But how did we know each other and why did he wait until now to approach me? I failed to restrict my mind of any further thought. Maybe it was his idea of some kind of disturbing joke. I find it hard to see anything funny about last night. But he knew my name. This definitely was no coincidence. He didn't just pick out anyone at random from the street last night and attack them. He chose me for a reason. And what about the text? Was there any meaning behind it or was it just a sick prank? I remember how the letters reconstructed themselves and then disappeared. I pressed the tip of both index fingers onto my temples, the frustration building up a throbbing feeling in my head.

I pondered the ideas I was assuming. I decided to push aside this situation and start to get ready for school. A buttered slice of toast and twenty five minutes later and I was on the road to Ashlee's house. Usually every morning while picking her up I let my worries and insecurities fly out the window, but this time-all I could do was focus on the road and try not to scream. Everything that has happened in the last 24-hours has been such a blurr, and on top of that now I have to face another terrifying day at school.

As I drove into Ashlee's driveway I took note of the weed-free lawn and the tall modern texture of the Veekan's retro style double story house. I diverted my gaze to face Ashlee, who was now trotting down the front door steps in her brand new 3-inch black velvet heels, heading towards me.

"About time you showed up. I was getting worried that may have forgotten about me again,"

Last year on the day of a really big test I accidently forgot to pick Ashlee up and she's never let me forget it. 

"Sorry, I've been a little slow this morning. I've had a lot on my mind ever since last night."

"Why? What happened last night?"

I opened my mouth to answer her but stopped. What was I actually going to tell her? I couldn't tell her about being attacked. I looked back to Ashlee and was caught by her questionable waiting for my answer as I saw her patience drawing thin.

"Um..well nothing really..Scott came over." And, oh yeah, I got attacked but you know that's nothing to worry about.

Suddenly with no warning at all Ashlee squealed in a pitch so high, how my windows didn't crack is beyond me.

"Scott!? As in Scott Calimo? The new guy?"

I nodded and she returned me with a confusing expression.

"What the heck was he doing at your house!?"

"I guess it must of been a coincidence that he went for a walk at the same time that I went food shopping. He offered to walk be home since it was getting really dark."

She gave me a look that read 'ooo you naughty girl what did you do with him?' I returned with;

"Nothing happened. He stayed for a few minutes for a little chit chat at the front door and then he left."

"What kind of chit chat?"

As soon as I heard her question I failed to offer a response. I remembered what me and Scott talked about. I still don't believe him. How can I? I barely know him so how can I even trust him?

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