Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


I returned home late in the afternoon after dropping Ashlee off at her house. At Dotti Ashlee had bought a lilac coloured dress that fitted perfectly on her. It made her slightly wavy red beach styled hair stand out. For the rest of the afternoon we had roamed the shopping centre in hope of catching a great bargain-which never happened. I didn't tell Ashlee about the text; or the man.

Just thinking of him made me shiver with anxiety. Something about him wasn't - human. I climbed upstairs and walked down the hall to my room, dumping myself on the bed. Deciding I should get ahead on some school work, I take a seat in front of my desk and pull out my maths folder.

The alarm clock sitting on my bedside table blinks the numbers: 7:15 in red as my stomach starts to rumble. I hadn't eaten all day, except for the slice of buttered toast that I ate for breakfast. I trot downstairs and into the kitchen, preparing to cook dinner. Looking in the fridge I see nothing that sparks my interests. I really need to go food shopping. I search the cabinets but find nothing. I was sure I had something in there. Besides a bottle of milk and a few vegetables it was pretty much empty.

I quickly run upstairs and to my room, gathering my purse and keys.

Shutting all the lights and locking the front door I decide to walk to the store, which was only about ten to fifteen minutes away. The cool air of the night hits me like a bucket of ice. I regret not grabbing my jumper when I left my house. I walk down the moon lit street, caressing my arms to make the newly formed goose bumps disappear. Noting the stars and oversized moon shining upon the darkness as I walk down the narrow street and into an alley, choosing to use a short cut I learnt about early last year.

I hear the wind blowing and trees swaying, the only sounds accessible this late at night. Suddenly the sound of fast footsteps echo behind me. I glance back and see a dark shadowy figure, the outline much like the man at the cafe, pacing past the alley. My heart skips a beat. Is he following me? No, he couldn't be, could he? With that I walk a little faster now, hoping I'll arrive at the store soon and grateful I took this short cut. The sooner I get to the store the sooner I can get back home. The footsteps I heard just a minute ago suddenly become louder. I make a right turn, ending up back on the street.

My only source of light is a few dim streetlights and the soft moonlight. Glancing behind me I can see the figure again, but this time clearer, noticing his clenched jaw and messy windblown hair. It was him. The man from the cafe. This time I could see his face with more detail. His chin was covered in little hairs, hinting that he hadn't shaved in a couple of days. He had dark fiery green eyes and he wore the same black hooded jumper that I saw him wearing in the cafe, hands in his pockets. He was getting closer.

Making a left turn I bolt into a run, noticing how fast I am I almost trip. I stand still for a moment and spread out my hands to steady myself. How did I run that fast? My speed reminded me of how fast the man at the cafe ran into the alley. I had never been the athletic type but after experiencing this I could guarantee I would win any race hands down. As I stand there contemplating how I could possibly fun that fast, I hear a branch snap behind me. He was definitely following me, and gaining speed. Becoming succumbed by fear and anxiety I decide to shrug off the discovery of my sudden abnormal speed and sprint down the street, picking up speed the further I go.

My heart jumped in fear as I leaned up against the brick wall. Struck with resentment and wariness I pull myself harder up against the wall as his strong footsteps draw near. Slightly out of breathe I look to my right, and down the alley, where the noise grows louder. My breath becomes sharp puffs of air as the wind blows in my face. Suddenly I could feel a presence next to me. I slowly turn my head to come face to face with a man.

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