back in black

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"I'm sorry, kid, but no-can-do. Unless you show me a valid ID, you're not getting anything."
"How about I give you a little extra cash?"
"Still no."

Gerard sighed, resting on the gas station counter. After leaving Ray's garage, he and Lindsey had driven for about an hour. "We'll head up north a bit, take a bit of a detour. The more sporadic and off our path is, the harder it will be to trace us," he had told her. Of course, Lindsey knew he was right. He had a certain level of intelligence and a certain level of knowledge. He knew what he was doing for the most part. Whatever he did had an underlying theme and reasoning as to why he did it. Of course, the two being them, they had stopped at a gas station along the way in hopes to pick up a few things. And now, Gerard was acting half-retarded as he tried to bribe the bored male behind the counter, trying to pay extra in hopes of getting his hands on a pack of cigarettes and a pack of beer. Lindsey knew how he got when it came to alcohol and cigarettes; back at home, Gerard would bribe people outside the liquor shop for beer and cigarettes. Lindsey wanted to stop him, but she couldn't help but get in on it herself. The two would gather up all the cash they had to bribe people into going in and buying them something. Their endeavours were usually successful and the two would go home victorious, beer and cigarettes in tow. This time, it would take a little more.

Lindsey looked up from the back of the gas station, hearing the exchange between Gerard and the young cashier. She sighed, set down the can of pringles, straightened her skirt, and walked up to the counter. Lindsey hated doing this, selling herself out for the prize. Gerard always told her not to do it, that treating herself like a sexual object would get her nowhere in life. She didn't care, though. Whatever got them what they wanted worked for her. And right now, she had to work it and strut herself.

"Are we having a problem up here?" she said, trying to make herself sound seductive and sultry. She leant forward, resting herself on the counter and giving the cashier a clear shot down her shirt. He glanced down, then met her eyes.
"There is no problem, ma'am."
"Then why aren't you making a sale here?"
"This young man is trying to purchase alcohol and cigarettes, even though he is underage."
"Why can't you just cut the sweet ole boy a deal? How about I cover the cost?"

She pushed herself forward, inches away from the cashier's face. Gerard could feel the flickering flame of jealousy inside him start to burn a little brighter, before flaring up as she kissed the cashier. She pulled back, giving him a smirk.

"So, how about that purchase?"
"W-W-What kind of cigarettes do you want?"
"The best you've got."

Lindsey glanced over to Gerard with a triumphant look as the cashier unlocked a safe and put a pack of cigarettes on the counter. Gerard started counting out cash as Lindsey looked around. She nudged her friend.

"Hey, Gee?"
"Yeah, babe?"

Lindsey raised an eyebrow at Gerard's response. He blushed and stumbled over his words.

"Y-Yeah, Linds?"
"Can we buy a polaroid camera?"

She gave him a smile as she got a camera of the shelf. Lindsey set it down on the counter alongside the beer and cigarettes, as Gerard handed the cashier the payment. The cashier stuffed the money in the register, and the two runaways picked up their purchases, Gerard giving Lindsey a small smile. They walked out of the gas station, heading back towards the car.

"Gerard, what the hell are you doing spending our money?" she asked after the two had gotten in the car. He shrugged in reply, which resulted in a tentative sigh from Lindsey, "We need to stop this shit. If we keep spending our cash on booze and fags, we aren't going to have any for New York."
"I know," he grumbled, opening the pack and taking out a cigarette. He put it in his mouth and lit it, taking a long drag from the sickly sweet salvation between his lips. Lindsey stared at his lips, frowning.
"Well, if you're going to light one, at least let me take a whiff."

He nodded and took the cigarette out of his mouth, passing it to Lindsey. She tucked it between her lips and took a deep breath, letting the poison fill her lungs. She handed it back to Gerard, who tucked it back into the usual place of hanging out the left side of his mouth. It could be seen as a sense of familiarity in all of this. In this running from the past, some things couldn't help but carry through. And this was one of them. 

Gerard slowly reached forward, putting the key in the ignition and turning, listening to the car roar to life. Lindsey reached forward, turning on the radio. Music was always playing around them, it seemed. It was an important part of their very beings as if it was the very blood running through their veins. Music and art. Gerard would do a quick sketch while humming a tune, Lindsey would blare her music loud while doing a painting. The two had a need for the 'finer' side of life. The music, the art, the stories. They wanted to hold the power in their hands. The weapons of mass creation The power to start revolutions. They dreamt of being taken seriously and being listened to. They had the potential, the talent, the spark to do it. They just needed a break, someway for them to break past the confines of small town living and a harsh, cruel, and judgmental world. And since the world wouldn't give them one, they were doing it themselves. They were kicking the door down and pushing themselves in. They were asking for the world to give them a chance and they were not taking "no" for an answer. And if all they did was crash and burn, at least they had fun doing it and at least they were together. Because now, all they had was each other. They had left everything behind in a split second decision, like the teenagers they were. And it just sort of happened.

"So, where to next?" Gerard asked. He looked over to Lindsey, her face lit up by the glow of neon lights and the shining surveillance of the moon and stars. 

"I think we've driven up North enough. Maybe time to start heading down to New York?"
"As you wish."

The two gave each other a smile, as Gerard shifted the car from 'park' to 'drive'. They pulled out of the parking lot and hit the road, heading down the highway. They rolled down their windows, the cold air filling the car, as Lindsey cranked up the radio.

"What's the game plan when we get there?"
"Figure we can probably stay at a shelter or something," Lindsey replied, propping her feet up on the dash, "Maybe live out of the car. Make money off art. I'm just excited about it."

Gerard gave her a smile, using one hand to take the cigarette from his mouth and flick it out of the car. He refocused on the road ahead.

"Try to sleep, alright? I'll keep driving."
"Wake me up if you need to switch out."
"I'll be fine."
"You sure?"
"I'm sure."

She smiled at him and leaned back in the seat, watching him drive and quietly sing-a-long to the radio.

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