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He had never had a girlfriend and never had a boyfriend. He had never kissed anyone. There was a lot of 'never's when it came to his love life and he always thought it would be that way. He wasn't particularly a looker and most people thought he was gay. It took so much work to get him to look even presentable. The only reason he lost that much weight was because he had been starving himself ("You're anorexic, Gerard! Just admit it!") and forcing himself to lose the weight. He'd still never thought he'd get anyone, let alone Lindsey. Lindsey was, well, Lindsey. When puberty hit, it hit hard. And damn, she came out wow. She had the personality to match, too. All the boys were all over her. She was a perfect ten and he was a two. She was out of his league. Gerard was always amazed at just simply the fact that she befriended him, taking pity on his poor existence. She picked him out from the rest of the bunch and she cared for him.

And now she was sitting in his lap, making out with him. Go figure.

After the kiss in the car, Gerard and Lindsey had driven home, Gerard blushing redder than a tomato and Lindsey laughing like a mad man. They had gone ahead up to their apartment, holding hands all the way. Then they were on the couch and Gerard had no idea what the hell was going on. 

Frankly, Gerard never knew what the hell was going on. He was always in his own little world and he never took his meds. He was off the walls and off his rocker. So, of course, things were going a little too fast for his mind to process. He didn't mind, though. It was fun.

Lindsey rested her forehead on his, sighing lightly and wrapping her arms around his neck. She gave him a smile.

"I really, really like you," he mumbled.
"I figured that," she chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "I really, really like you too."

Gerard grinned at her, giving her a peck on the nose. He could finally tell her how he really felt. He didn't have to hide things anymore. He was free.

"We were supposed to be productive today," he said after a few moments, interrupting the peaceful silence. He slowly leant back, letting Lindsey lay on top of him.
"Who said we aren't being productive?"
"I don't think sitting on the couch making out is 'being productive'."
"It's productive in my book."
"Your book is different than my book."
"Yeah, because mine's a bestseller."

He snorted out laughter at her comment, as she beamed up at him.

"We should go out for lunch."
"We kind of have to, we have no groceries."
"We should go out for lunch and then go grocery shopping."
"And get jobs."
"We should go out for lunch, go apply for some jobs, then go grocery shopping."
"Do we even have enough money for all of that?"
"I dunno," Lindsey shrugged, "I'm not the one managing funds."
"Don't put that task on the one who failed math multiple times."
"Summer school sucker."
"Shut up, I'm fantastic."
"Still," she replied, resting her chin on his chest, "I'm not the one managing funds."
"Well, I shouldn't be either."
"One of us has got to do it."

Gerard mewled, which resulted in a light swat on the head from Lindsey. She stood up from his lap, stretching.

"I'm going to apply for that job at the coffee shop you were talking about," Lindsey strained, as she popped her back.
"And I'm going to apply for that grocery bagger job, I guess."
"You'd be a good bagger," she replied, flopping back into his lap, resulting in an 'oof' from him. She grinned, giving him a big kiss.
"Thanks?" he asked with a questioning look.
"Don't mention it, babe."


"I'm not hungry."
"I know that's a lie."
"Lindsey, I'm serious."
"Eat some food, damn it."

Gerard could feel Lindsey's piercing glare at him from across the table. The two sat in a McDonald's, Lindsey munching on some fries and sipping a Coke, while Gerard filled out an application. Of course, she wasn't eating now. Instead, she was scrutinising Gerard.

"You can't just not eat, Gerard," she grumbled, "You have to fucking eat."
"I'm fine."
"Living off water and beer is not 'fine' and you know that. You're going to end up killing yourself and I can't live with that."
"Lindsey, I said I'm fine. Now, finish your food so we can head out."
"Not until you eat something."
"Linds," he replied, looking up from his work. He gave her a look.
"No, you can't just give me that look, Gerard Arthur Way, you will eat and you will like it. I love you too much for you to hurt yourself like this."
"I love you too, Lindsey. Just drop it, please."
"I'm really worried about you, Gee. I really am."
"Don't be. I'm fine. Just finish your food so I can drop off our applications and we can go shopping."
"I won't finish my food until you eat something," she pouted, crossing her arms and glaring at him. Gerard rolled his eyes.
"Lindsey, I'm serious. If you don't want to finish it, just take it to go."
"I'm not moving."
"Lindsey, you're making a scene."
"You're making a scene."
"Holy fuck," Gerard groaned, facepalming. He sighed and looked back up at Lindsey, "I'll be in the car. Five minutes or I'm leaving without you."
"That's a nice way to treat your girlfriend."

Girlfriend. She was his girlfriend. A girlfriend he was going to abandon at a McDonald's in Manhatten, but nevertheless, his girlfriend. He was new to this relationship thing and he was 99% sure he was doing it wrong, but there was shit to get done.

"I'm going out to the car," he repeated, picking up his paperwork and standing up. Lindsey sat firmly in her chair and watched as Gerard manoeuvred his way around the hordes of people, walking out of the McDonald's. She continued to sit in her seat, staring at the door, while some patrons looked at her. She glared back at them all before staring down at her fries. She jumped and looked up as someone sat down in Gerard's seat. A pale girl sat across from her, black hair falling down past her shoulders.

"Well, he looked like an asshole."
"He's my best friend and boyfriend. Not so much an asshole, just we're both stubborn."
"Ah. So, why he walk out?"
"Because I told him I wouldn't leave until he ate something, but he's focused on getting job applications turned in and grocery shopping."
"Why wouldn't he eat?"
"He never does," Lindsey replied, picking up a fry and studying it.
"Well, that's his own damn fault. Pass me a fry?"

Lindsey handed the stranger a fry, who popped it in her mouth.

"So, you new to this whole Manhattan thing too or are you a regular?"
"Got here last night."
"Damn. Really new. I've been here for a week. I'm from Florida."
"Jersey. Born overseas, moved here."
"Wicked. So, what's your name?"
"Lindsey Ballato. You?"
"Jessicka Addams."

Lindsey held out her hand, to which Jessicka gave a high five. The two laughed loudly.

"I gotta bounce," Lindsey giggled, grabbing her purse, "Before dipshit leaves."
"Alright," Jessicka replied, pulling a notepad and pen out of her purse. She jotted something down and handed it to Lindsey, "Here are my digits. Call me up for a good time."
"I will. See you later, Jessicka."

Jessicka gave Lindsey a grin and waved, as Lindsey tucked the paper in her purse and headed out, grabbing her meal. She pushed open the door and headed out to the parking. Gerard was leaning on the car, smoking a Menthol.

"I wasn't going to leave without you," he yawned, looking up at her.
"I wasn't betting on it. Let's head over to the coffee shop. Get that job application turned in. And you can get yours turned in while we're grocery shopping. I really need clothes, though. We both do."
"Food first. Then clothes."
"My jeans are so dirty they could probably stand up on their own."
"Food, then laundry mat."

Lindsey laughed, hopping in the passenger seat. Gerard opened the driver's side door and swung in, dropping the cigarette on the cement.

"We'll figure this shit out."

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