Let's be sick together

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Jenna sat up in the bed, sniffling softly. The delicious sent of breakfast cooking wafted through the air. She was still pretty tired, and felt like she could throw up. "Alex? Ba-Babe?" She called quiet and brokenly. 

Just hearing the small bit of her voice called Alex into the bedroom. He grinned softly just seeing her. He walked over and plopped down on the bed, automatically wrapping his arms around her, and hers around him,"Good morning sunshine~" He chimed with a chuckle. 

Jenna giggled, poking his side with a cough,"Good morning my knight.. Did you call in to school for us?" She asked, trying to sit up, but having a hard time with it. 

He assisted her up, kissing her forehead,"I sure did. Called your mom too. She was cool with it, and would like to talk to you sometime today." He grinned at her. She frowned, hiding her face in his side, coughing heavily, causing her to sit back. Alex rubbed her back softly,"How ya' feelin' champ?" He asked, tilting his head. 

Jenna shook her head while covering her mouth. A full blown coughing attack going down. In her eyes, tears were pooling in them, just from the pain of the coughing and how the pain just pulsed through her body with each one. 

Alex stood and left the room, going to the kitchen to get her a glass of water and one of those pills she got prescribed to take. He made his way back to the bed room, Jenna's arms were over her head, just trying to alleviate the coughing fit. "Here babe," He held out the water and the small white pill, which she took from him automatically, placing the pill in her mouth and chugging the glass of water. The coughing stopped, and she sat there panting, trying to catch her breath,"Feel better?" Alex asked, getting a small nod in response. 

Both of them sat quiet for a long time before Jenna spoke up,"Thank  you.. I swear I was dying..." She laughed dryly. She leaned over and kissed his cheek, causing Alex's cheeks to turn pink,"Oh my knight who came to my rescue... How shall I ever repay-ith thee?" She giggled, placing kisses all over his cheek before freezing,"Oh oh.. I'm going to get you sick if I keep doing that.." 

Alex laughed and just, kissed her deeply. Just the touch of his lips on hers made her melt. She closed her eyes and cupped his cheeks weakly, kissing back with all the power she could muster up before Alex pulled away,"I don't care if I get sick. We can be sick together." He stood, pulling his girlfriend up with him, swinging her up into his arms bridal-styled,"Now.. You can pay me back by joining me for breakfast." He grinned. Jenna didn't protest, just nodded and stuck out her tongue. Alex carried her all the way to the kitchen, a smile on both of their face.
Jenna looked around a bit after he had set her down. He had gone to the stove to get plates together. As he did so, her eyes scanned the room. Alex must have tidied up the home, for now it felt brighter, cozier. Maybe it was just because she was sick. Who cares, it looked nice.

Alex came back around and set a medium sized plate of pancakes and fruit down in front of her, gaining a wide smile from her, which he reciprocated one back.

Jenna grinned happily at him as he sat down across from her. He reached out his left and she reached out hers, entwining their fingers together as they ate. "You know what, babe?" Jenna said softly before grabbing Alex's mug and taking a sip of his sweet coffee,"You're a really good taking-care-of-your-girlfriend-er." She chuckled, looking up at him. 

Alex laughed softly, bowing is head like he were tipping a hat,"Why thank you. Even though that this is my first rodeo." He said in his best country accent, which made Jenna giggle. She continued to eat, more or less just cut her food up into small pieces. He glanced up at her from his half finished plate,"You're looking better than you did yesterday, babe." He said softly. 

She nodded and took a small bite of pancake,"Yeah.. I feel better.. Just really tired.. And my throat's all itchy." She shrugged. 

"I'm so glad you're feeling better.. You can sleeps some more after we finish eating." He gave her hand a tight squeeze. 

"Can.. Can we cuddle though.." She asked in a whisper, looking down at her plate,. Her head was tilted away from him, not wanted Alex to see that her cheeks were ablaze. 

"Well, Of course we can!" He laughed,"Wanna watch a movie too? Like the Lion King or... That one Leonardo DiCaprio Movie?" She looked up at him and nodded excitedly. Alex chuckled and was just now about to finish eating, but on the other hand, Jenna had only actually taken a few bites of pancakes, and only a few fruit slices. Alex had noticed this and just stood and grabbed both of their plates, taking them to the kitchen and rinsing them off,"I understand if you're not hungry babe. You probably feel queezey and didn't want to tell me, huh?" He asked, looking up and towards her. 

Now, while he was talking, she had taken it upon herself to stand up and make it to the couch, which she had only got the first part done, and with a lot of struggle. She trembled, supporting herself on the chair. She took a deep breath, brushing a stray strand of her hair out of her face. The sick blonde female took a few small steps, having to stop from becoming light headed. She faltered her next step, almost falling... Before Alex caught her, he was right behind her the whole time.

He lead her over to the couch, letting her take her steps to get there, he was just helping her stay up, and steady. On Jenna's side though, with every step pain jolted through her body from her hips. She gripped tightly on Alex's hand that was on her hip.

But they got there. And man was it worth it.

Alex helped Jenna lay down and handed her the remote, covering her in a blanket. He then laid down behind her, it was difficult but it happened. Both of them sighed in unison, Alex's arms wrapped around her, and hers around herself, both dozing off to that one, Leonardo Decaprio movie.

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