Chapter 4

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The restaurant was cold and dark. Only around five people other than Jim and Gray where there.

Nothing on the menu agreed to Gray's stomach, so she just chose fish and chips, while Jim chose the same. Both of them sat in silence for around two minutes after ordering.

"So, what do you want to talk about." Jim leaned forward to Gray. She smiled at her Uncle.

"I was wondering if I could get to know you. I mean, your file was the only one I was not allowed to read. Also, I would like to know what my mother was like, oh, and how you survived the blow to the head." Gray looked with wonder in her eyes at Jim. He laughed.

"You see, your mother and I were triplets. There was three of us. Me, your mother, and my brother Richard. Richard and I are identical twins, while your mother is just the younger sister. Only by two years." He smiled at her and sat back. "When we got older, I became a criminal, while Richard became a storybook teller. He changed his name to Richard Brooke, and would tell stories to children. Your mother and him were the kind hearted people of the family. Anyways, I told Richard about our debacle; with your father and I. He agreed to help me pull tricks on him. Like the one with me being an actor and being paid. That was Richard's idea." Jim laughed.

"So, you and Richard played my father." Jim confirmed Gray's hypothesis with a nod.

"Richard went on the rooftop instead of me. He had on an earpiece and he would say what I would tell him. Richie played it well, and even killed himself. That, I really was not expecting. I grieved for awhile. My entire family was dead, including my two favorite siblings, but that was until you came along." Jim laughed and rubed Gray's head.

"So, my father's theory on twins was wrong." She laughed with him. The food came and they made room for it.

"Yum, I'm starving." Jim immediately dug into his dish. Gray picked at hers and would eat some bites here and there.

After they ate Jim walked Gray home. "I had a nice time." He smiled down at the girl.

"I did, and I found it interesting on what I learned. Although, you have no worry about me telling my father on how you survived. I like to have people figure out that themselves." Jim laughed at the young girl and rubbed her head. "You remind me a lot of your sister, and myself. Now, go inside before your father worries."

"What do you mean worry? I've been gone for two hours. If I stay an extra hour, I am pretty sure he would call Scotland Yard on me." Both laughed at Gray's remark and walked to the door.

Right when Gray was about to grab the handle, Sherlock opened the door. He stood there in silence just watching the two. John and Peter were behind them, but Peter hid his face the moment he saw Jim.

"Well, this is a nice welcome. Don't mind me Sherlock, I am just dropping Gray off." Jim pushed Gray towards the door and turned to leave. "Goodbye dear. See you later, and don't forget. Don't tell your father what I told you." He smiled and left.


"Get inside. Now." Sherlock turned towards the stairs and went up. Peter and John stayed waiting for Gray. When Gray hesitantly walked up, then the two followed.

Sherlock sat in his chair with his feet crossed. His hands were together and up to his nose. Gray was familiar with this look; the same look Sherlock gives his clients. John sighed and sat in his chair with a notebook and pen.

"What am I your client, now?" Gray's blood burned and she sat in the chair in front of the boys.

"Gray, it's not what you think, we just want to know what happened." John said this with a comforting half-smile.

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