Chapter 7

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Grace ran down the streets of London. She feared nothing, but just enjoyed her day. Grace took a cab to the middle of London. She had always found the London Eye was interesting, but never got the chance to ride it.

Grace laughed and walked around the market. She eyed a few of her victims, but did not risk anything with Scotland Yard. There were many guards around, so she could not risk getting caught.

"I wonder where those two are." Grace knew that Sherlock and John would follow, but she did not think it would take this long. It had been around two hours since Grace ran out of 221B Baker Street.

Finally she heard her name called. Grace sat at the edge of a rooftop. A grim ran across her face and she turned around.

"Hello, boys." Grace looked at the two and watched them as they walked closer. "I am going to guess you are here for me." She smiled and walked closer to the two.

"Grace, let Gray out." Sherlock walked up. He pulled out his gun and pointed it at her.

"Oh," Grace stepped back. "You really would kill your daughter?" Grace looked Sherlock dead into his eyes.

"No, I wouldn't, but I am warning you. Mycroft is on his way. Just called him." Sherlock smiled and dropped his gun.

Fear raced over Grace. She hated Mycroft, and his name meant her disappearance. She did not want to be taken away for another two years. Mycroft walked on the rooftop and walked over to Grace. The girl collapsed to the ground and began to beg.

"P-Please, don't take me away." Tears were in her eyes. She never begged before, but wished not to be taken away. "If you do."

Grace ran to the ledge and stood very close to the edge. She struggled to not want to jump down. "If you take me away, I will kill her. Your precious little Gray will be gone." The girl now was crying.

Mycroft nodded his head and a red needle landed on Grace's arm. She stared at it and began to fall backwards. Sherlock panicked and ran to grab her. He caught the unconscious girl and looked at her closer.

Gray had scratch marks all over her. Her cheek had been bleeding and her arms were bleeding also. When Sherlock pulled up her sleeve, he saw a long scar race from her thumb to her elbow. It looked fresh, and it was still bleeding. Bruises were everywhere on her face, and she looked to have a black eye growing.

Gray's neck looked to have choking marks on it. "What happened to you?" Sherlock observed the girl and picked her up.

"Sherlock, let me take her. You can come, but she needs treatment now. When Grace wakes up, she will be furious and want to kill." As much as it pained him, Sherlock had to agree with his brother.

They went into Mycroft's jet and went over to the facility. The asylum was in the middle of nowhere, and was all gray. It had a frightening look, and there were land mines throughout the border.

"What's with all the protection?" John walked with the two brothers and Gray, who was in a gurney.

"We are a military base, we need this protection. Plus, there are a lot of bad, and deranged people." The ended up in an MRI room and Gray was transferred to the machine.

"You are putting her in there, in this condition?" Sherlock looked at his brother like he was insane.

"We always do, and this is the best condition to do it in. All the other times, when she is awake, Grace injures someone immensely. That person is usually herself." Mycroft looked emotionless at the girl. Gray was put into the machine, and the procedure began. "Wait outside. It's boring from here on." Mycroft escorted himself and the boys out.

Sherlock and John sat quietly while waiting in the waiting room. Finally Gray came out with bandages on her. She was in different clothes, and looked to be washed up.

"Gray." Sherlock walked up to her and gave her a hug. Gray hugged back and a tear fell down. "Do you remember anything?" He bent down to her level.

"No, nothing. Dad?" Gray had tears in her eyes as she looked up at her father. Sherlock nodded his head. "Can we please leave?" Sherlock nodded his head again and they began walking out.

A few of the prisoners were out and one of them jumped in front of Gray. "Hello, little one." It was Hugo.

"Hugo?" Gray looked the man a little more and then gave him a hug. "You're alive."

"Hello Gray." They released the hug. "Look's like you found your dad. How are you? How is life? It is nice seeing the sun? Tell me about outside." He went off asking question after question. 

"Hugo! Hugo! Calm down. There is not much sun in London, but when it is out, it feels nice. My life is going crazy, but I am getting use to it." Gray looked at her friend. "I miss you."

"I miss you too." Hugo looked at the girl and Sherlock walked up.

"Who are you?" Sherlock became defensive and put his hand on Gray.

"Dad, this is my friend, Hugo. He is only two years older than me, and we have been friends since he came here. Hugo is a sociopath. He is a good person." Gray looked at her father and then Hugo.

"She is right sir. I was put into here because I saw my father kill my mother in front of me. They were going to put me in an orphanage, but I had anger issues. Break out crying and yelling. Can't control my emotions right. Guess you could say that is what made Gray and I alike. I have been here since I was twelve. Gray was ten at the time. That is when we met." Hugo smiled at them.

"So, other than that, who are you exactly?" Sherlock looked at the boy. Hugo smiled at him.

"My name is Hugo Grant. I am eighteen years old and have a well put education. I am very smart, so you have not to worry about that. Even Mr. Holmes is fond of me. That is why he let me spend a lot of time with Gray." Hugo smiled. His handler came up and told him that he had to leave. "Excuse me, and my apologies. It was nice seeing you again Gray. I hope we get to meet again." Hugo gave Gray one last hug, kissed her on the cheek and then walked away.

"What was that?! He kissed you." Sherlock pulled Gray close to him and they began walking out again.

"He is just a friend, Dad. Plus, it was on my cheek. Hugo is like an older brother to me. I needed that when I was trapped in this place." Gray laughed. Her arm ached, and she had no idea how she got all these bruises. She had no memory of coming to the asylum, or getting this cut.


"So, Hugo, he is emotionally unstable like you. That is interesting." Sherlock sat next to Gray in the taxi.

"Yeah, but he is my friend, and I love him for who he is." Hugo had black/brown hair and brown eyes. He was around 5'11'' and always had a smile on his face. That was unless he was having a mental breakdown. When Hugo has mental breakdowns, black circles always began to grow under his eyes. He becomes scary, and threatening.

Hugo's mental side, is almost as threatening as Gray's, Grace.

"We are home. You better go in and get some rest." Sherlock smiled as Gray went upstairs to her room.

When the three of them got upstairs, Peter stood in the corner pale. Jim was tied up and his nose was bleeding.

"You left me alone with him, all day." 

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