Chapter 9

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Gray had no idea where she was running, but she did. Behind her she could hear yelling. Her heart raced and she felt had been running for an hour now.

The only place that popped into Gray's mind was the asylum. She had to hide from Peter, and somewhere he would not suspect her at. Even if she hated the place, she had to go there.


Her greeting was not kind and nice. It was guards attacking her and putting her in cuffs. When she finally told them who she was, they released her, said sorry, and let her roam around the hospital.

"Gray?" The girl turned around to the male voice. There stood Hugo smiling at her. "What are you doing here?"

"Hugo." With tears in her eyes she ran up to Hugo. The boy was shocked with a huge hug, but welcomed it.

"What's the matter?" Hugo looked down at her.

"My uncle, Peter, he hates me. I don't know what he want, but he got into deep trouble because of me. I punched him out of anger, and he looked to want to take off my head. I've been running since. My other Uncle, John." Gray pulled out her phone. "He told me to hide. Anywhere, but hide. He said that Peter is after me, and he does not look happy."

"It's alright. He would never guess that you would come here. Hey! Now I have a friend to hang with." Hugo nudged Gray in the arm and laughed. He saw that he knuckles were bleeding, so pulled a handkerchief from his pocket.

"What is that for?" Gray observed as the boy took her hand and wrapped it with the handkerchief. Hugo laughed as he saw she still kept bandaids on her fingers. Her nails always half groomed. Gray was called the Mad Hatter here in the asylum.

She would always make random things, talk gibberish, and have cuts on her fingers. Sowing was what kept her from going mental, but she would still put the needle in someone by accident. That is why they took that away, and let her write in journals. Kind of like this one.

"How has the Hatter been?" Hugo asked this as the two walked down the hallway.

"Stop calling me that. It was only a year, or two when they called me that. It's all in the past now. Plus, I don't even look like him." Gray smiled up at her friend.

"Don't look like him? Gray, your hair, when it's humid gets frizzy and wavy. Well, it already is really curly, but it gets frizzy. Let us not forget that you have natural dark circles under your eyes." Hugo tapped Gray's head.

"Alright, you stand your point." She laughed and they ended up at the cafeteria. Gray was given patient clothing from one of the nurses and went to get dressed.

"I will guard you. We both know men here are not the best." Hugo nodded his head and let Gray get dressed. Gray always felt nice and comfortable with Hugo. The problem was, she liked him.

Gray liked Hugo since she was eleven. A year after meeting Hugo. She liked him all this time for his personality, but now he was getting attractive physically. He always had his black hair frizzy, and sticking up.

Gray had not seen him have a mental breakdown in awhile, but she wondered what it looked like now. Gray was slightly hoping to meet Psycho Hugo again.

Gray walked out when finished and smiled up at Hugo. "Ready." Hugo smiled and fixed her shirt. "What was that?"

"Your bra strap was showing." Hugo looked at the girl and began walking into the cafeteria. Gray felt her face getting red, so she knew she was blushing. Hugo noticed, but did not say anything. All he did was smirk.

Hugo liked Gray, but he still did not know if he liked her as a friend or a crush. It wasn't until he recently saw her, when he questioned that.

When they walked in, they went straight to the counter.

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