Chapter 13

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Psycho felt a bit uneasy. He was not good in large crowds, and right now they were at Scotland Yard.

Guilt began to fill within him. When he was by himself, Psycho killed two people. He had never felt guilty until now. Until sitting in Scotland Yard, in front of Gray. Yes, Gray had taken back control.

Even guilt filled within Gray. She knows and feels that Grace killed and hurt a lot of people, and that was unbearable for her. Although the guilt filed inside of her, she let it slide. Not letting it cloud her head.

Sherlock was having an argument with Detective Lestrade and Sergeant Major Morris. John just stood in the corner listening.

Gray and Psycho sat in chairs outside of the office, but could still hear muffled yelling. Once in awhile they would look at the two kids, or point at them while yelling.

"So, what do you think they are talking about?" Psycho watched them as they continued to yell and point.

"I have no clue, but they may be talking about us. Psycho, do you have any more ideas for a name?" Gray turned her attention away from her father yelling, and to Psycho. Her heart fluttered when he took off his hat for a second. His hair was all messy and dirty. "Hugo, what's your full name? I remember you telling me, but you never mention it."

Psycho's eyes widened. "It's nothing. You don't need to know." He ruffled his hair.

"Wasn't it Bar-" Gray nudged Psycho with every sylable.

"Stop." Psycho had an annoyed look on. He tood a deep dreath out.

"Thol" She nudged closer.

"Gray, I am warning you." Psycho looked down at her. His face was not ammused.

"Omew. Bartholomew." Gray smiled. "Bartholomew Hugo Grant. Why don't you go by Bart, or Barry?" She just just cracked up whenever she heard his name. Although, Gray loved it. His name was unique like Gray's.

"Wait, do you mean as Psycho, or Hugo?" Psycho had closed his eyes out of annoyance, but opened them back up to look at Gray.

"You should change Psycho's name to Bart or Barry. Hugo can stay, if you want." Gray watched as the boy played with a curl on his head. Gray brushed her hair into a part on her shoulders.

"Fine, Bart seems alright." Psycho seemed hesitant. "Why don't we just keep that in mind. I don't really know if it runs with me."

"I thought you said you would go with any name I created for you." Gray smirked at Psycho.

"Yeah, I know. That is why I told you that we could keep that in mind. Plus, why would you want to use my real name?" Psycho leaned forward and put his beanie back on.

"Because, it would start to get confusing if I chose a name totally different from your real name. People would not be able to catch up with who is who." She leaned forward and nudged Psycho in the arm.

Psycho laughed and got up. "Come on, let's wander around. I am bored, and I don't think that is going to stop anytime soon." Psycho held out one hand towards Gray and the other was pointing towards the yelling men.

Gray got up and walked with Psycho. She felt a bit uncomfortable holding his hand. They walked down many caverns and sections of the building.

Suddenly Psycho pushed Gray up against the wall. They had only been walking for a little bit, and Gray had only taken control for an hour.

His nose inches away from her face, and her heart was beating fast. Gray could feel his breath up against her skin. Psycho's eyes ran up and down Gray's face and eventually stopped at her eyes.

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