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Summer McClyde ~ Dr. Summer ^^

The next morning everyone was gone for school, Eva had left a note.

Hey Mar! If you're reading this I'm probably already gone for school, I convinced Aryan to go to school today, You have the house to yourself. Go get a check up and relax. Feel better!

Love, Evangeline

I smiled and stood up, deciding to take Eva's advice and went to the doctor with the help of my mother and father to get me there.

"I can't believe you were hurt so bad hun," my mother sighed. I hadn't told my parents the truth about what happened, I told her that me and Aryan got into a competitive race and we went too far, then Alpha Cyrus happened to be around and helped us.
I nodded and sighed, "I'm feeling better now."
"and the rouges who hurt you are locked away," my father gave me a look mixed between sympathy and regret,
we soon arrived and a few minutes later I was in Dr. Summer's Office, she was only 20 but was already very advanced in her medical education. Our pack hospital not only attended Ash Blood Pack's members but packs all around Oregon. "Hello Artemis, are you feeling any better?" She asked. "Yes, but I had a question to ask you." She nodded and motioned for me to continue,
"Well usually I would have been healed by now but I haven't yet, why is that?" I asked. "Well there was a point in the fight were wolfsbane and silver came in contact with you, the wolves weren't ordinary rogues. They had silver dipped claws which as you know causes us to heal a lot slower which is the only way for a wound to be opened long enough to come in contact with the wolfsbane. It wasn't enough to do permanent damage just enough to slow your healing. By the end of this week you should be completely healed." She explained, I sighed, happy that I'd soon be able to go for a run.

Dr.Summer let me go after her diagnosis and putting new bandages on my leg and ribs. When we got home I felt tired and weak. "What do you want for dinner honey?" My mom asked. "I'm actually kinda tired, I'm not hungry but thanks mom." I said making my way upstairs with the crutches Dr.Summer gave me. My father helped me up the stairs anyways before heading to his office.
I closed the door behind me and laid down.


I was suddenly awoken by the sound of tapping. I opened my eyes tiredly and sat up. I realized it was dark and rainy; the window was open. I walked over to the window with only a little bit of a struggle and closed it. Out of nowhere a hand went over my mouth and I was pulled into a corner of the room. I heard heavy breathing and then I felt soft lips press against mine, I smiled lightly but then realized I was still mad at him.
"Aryan, your room is a few doors down, you could have knocked." I whispered. He kissed my neck "What's the fun in that?" He smirked, I rolled my eyes and pushed him slightly. "You should be asleep right now." I walked over to my bed, he followed me and we laid down, his arms wrapping around my waist.

"What did the doctor say?" He asked.

"Well, she said that the reason I'm taking so long to heal is because my wounds came into contact with wolfsbane, not enough to hurt me though just enough to slow down my healing." I explained. He nodded and pressed his forehead against mine.
"The rouges who attacked you have been killed...but I wasn't by anyone from our pack...their throats were slashed and their foregeadse were branded with a 'R'." He stated, looking worried as his eyes scanned my face for my reaction.
"Then who..?" I asked, a look of confusion obvious on my face,
"We don't know." He mumbled

"I love you so much." He whispered his lips brushing against mine.
"I love you too." I mumbled against his lips. He kissed me sweetly,his tongue asked for an entrance which I gladly gave, his hands held my cheeks as he deepened the kiss by pushing my chin up with his thumbs. The kiss became more needy and urgent, like this was the last time that we would be in each other's arms. He was currently straddling me as we kissed each other roughly, Venus pushed against me wanting to just rip Aryan's clothes to shreds. I blushed from the thoughts Venus was putting in my head, we finally pulled away from each other. He trailed kisses along my neck and shoulder, he pulled himself away eventually; his eyes were black with a gold rim around them. He gripped the headboard above my head and closed his eyes. After a while he opened his emerald and gold flecked eyes.

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