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Im glad you're back,' I said to Venus, since Asher had stopped injecting me, I was now able to communicate with Venus though our connection is still weak.
'Me too, I cant believe he'd do this to us...Constantino is furious.' She responded, obviously putting the blame on Asher himself and not his wolf.
'You've talked to him?" I asked, she was silent for a few seconds before saying yes.
'and?' I wanted to know if it was true that we're mates.
'I feel our connection Artemis, its like the one I have with Xander and Ezekiel," I shook my head, refusing to believe her.
'You know that's not true... it's not possible.' I said, trying to convince myself more than I was her.

"Artemis...I was thinking maybe we could roam a bit on the porch, get you some sunlight and fresh air." Asher offered as he came into the kitchen.
I looked over at him and nodded, not wanting to pass up an opportunity to see the sky.
I followed him down halls and through doors eventually we made it to a heavy metal door, he typed in a code on a key pad and unlocked it, I walked out only to realize I was in a treehouse like space. It was a porch but instead of having wooden decks and rails, it had a cement floor and what looked like silver reenforced glass walls, a soft breeze still managed to enter by a few vents, I walked over to a lawn chair and sat down, enjoying the warm feeling of the sum against my skin. Only then did I realize how much I missed the sun, I felt tears well up in my eyes.
"Baby...what's wrong?" Asher asked softly, sitting across from me as he took my right hand in his left, using his right hand to wipe away the stray tears on my cheeks.
"I miss running, I miss freedom..." I whispered, my eyes downcast as to not look at him.
"Soon Artemis, soon we'll he happy together, you'll be free of this curse the Moon Goddess has given you and you can be with me, your rightful mate." I decided not to argue with him and simply gave a nod.

As I looked out at the endless forest I felt a sudden ache in my right temple, a shape began to merge from the forest, it was Cyrus, he was covered in blood, gashes all over his upped body. The trees began to fade turning into what looked like a war scene, wolves, bodies and blood everywhere. Then I saw Aryan, he stalked up to Cyrus and kicked his legs from under him so that he was kneeling.
"Aryan..." A broken whisper escaped my lips.
Aryan sent a punch to Cyrus's face, grabbing him by what was left of his shirt and he punched him again.
"Aryan stop you're hurting him!" I screamed but it was quiet and unheard.
Suddenly, Aryan's hand dug into Cyrus's chest, ripping out his heart and Cyrus sunk forward, dead.
My screams were trapped in my chest and I felt the world collapse around me.
"Artemis,' a soft whisper caught my attention
"Artemis!" The scene disappeared and the trees returned, arms wrapped around me as I blinked rapidly.
"Artemis look at me," Asher whispered as he held my head in his hands,
"What happened?"
"I-I saw something, it was like a vision...it was so real I...I..."
I touched my nose as I tasted the familiar metallic taste of blood.
I held my head a small whimper leaving me,
"You're gonna be okay love," Asher scooped me up and took me inside and back to the room.

"Listen to me Artemis, you're going to stay in this room, I'm going to have a guard outside the door, someone will bring you food, I have something to take care of." He explained, as he grabbed his keys and a jacket. He tugged his jacket on.
"Okay.." I said, he stroked my cheek and leaned forward, kissing my forehead.
"I'll be back before you know it, I love you." he whispered before exiting the room.

-*Asher's POV*-

I needed to talk to her, things were getting out of hand.
After putting on my jacket,I stroked Artemis's soft cheek and, kissed her forehead.
"I'll be back before you know it, I love you. " I whispered, before I left the room and house entirely,I got into my car and began my long drive, I slammed the breaks as I arrived at an apartment building on the human side of this town, I stalked up the stairs and looked down the halls until I found what I wanted, door 264. I knocked on the door quite impatiently.

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