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(Hey babe's that's me!^^^)

Ethan's P.O.V

"Somebody told me that you liked her, and well it kind of ticked me off that you didn't tell me about it." He said looking at me straight in the face. "What?" I said back. As soon as he said that my heart began to race. I couldn't help but turn red. I knew it hurt his feelings to find this out. I honestly didn't know what to do. "What are you? Def?" He said back to me. "No. Dude I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I- I was just afraid what you'd think." I replied back to him. "Afraid? Afraid of what? I've never judged you on your opinions and now you won't even tell me that you have feelings for someone? You know Eth I thought we were closer." He said looking down. "Woah, woah, woah bro before you even go there of acting like your hurt grow some balls and actually look at the situation. You put this poor girl down and made her feel terrible. I actually start to get feelings for her and you think I'm actually gonna tell you that I have feelings for the girl you humiliated? No bro. Actually look at the situation and get some smarts." I said back to him.

Grayson's P.O.V

I couldn't believe he actually talked to me this way. He's never stood up to me like that, actually nobody has. I couldn't believe it. He was starting to get a look on his face signaling that he was livid. I couldn't believe he was starting to get this torn apart by a girl. In a way he was calling me stupid. He thought I was the dumb one? When ever he's shooting in the low direction of a girlfriend. "Your telling me to get smarts?! When ever your shooting that low of a girlfriend? Are you freaking kidding me Eth? You are the one that needs to grow some balls and actually needs to notice he could actually get a better chick." I said back to him. "Yeah, say the one that can barely even keep a girlfriend if even that. All you do is use women and then leave. Your nothing but a waste in the society." He said back to me.

"Oh wow okay so I'm a waste huh? Okay. I guess you won't need me anymore bro. Go to that fat chick of yours for all the advice you need." We were walking into the house, and in all honesty I was on the verge of crying my eyes out. Nobody has ever made me cry before, in fact I've never felt this way in my life.

Ethan's P.O.V

I can't believe I actually said that to him, I feel terrible. We've always been so close. We've never fought before we have always been so close our whole life's but all the things I said we're true.

Gray's and Eth's P.O.V

The one thing I just can't believe is that I lost my brother. This time it felt like it was actually gonna stick. I don't think things will be the same, If they ever are the same it will take a long time to get there. I just can't comprehend I lost my own, and only person in my life that always helped me through everything.

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