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I walked out the airport with Randy. I smiled up at him and held his hand. We got in the car and I decided to drive. This was Memphis. A place I spent much of my life. I knew where everything was. We would be going to see my family before Fastlane. We drove about 30 minutes and we arrived at my cousin's house. I hadn't seen him in quite some time. I got out the car with Randy and he grabbed onto my hand again as I knocked on the door. A few moments later the door was opened by Jessie. She looked great. The look on her face immediately brightened as she saw me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a hug. "Hi!" I say. "Hey!" She says excited. She releases me and says "I didn't know you were coming over." I smile. "Well, I talked it over with your dad and we decided to surprise you." I say with a smile. She lets me and Randy in and Roy is sitting at the kitchen table. He smiles up at me and Randy. "Hey guys. Great to see you both." He greets. "You too. It's been forever." I say. He nods. "Jessie has been talking about Fastlane being here for about half a year." He says. I smirk as Jessie rolls her eyes. "No I haven't! It's been only a few weeks. Could you blame me? It's only the best cousin in the world." She says. I smile. "Have you seen your brothers yet?" Roy asks. "No, why? Should I be scared?" I ask. He laughs. "No. They haven't been over in a while. Heather and Kat have. Last week." He mentions. "Yeah, we've gotta have some sort of meet up before we leave Tennessee." I say. He nods. "Well, I assume you guys are tired and have to be at the arena early, so we'll see you guys there." He says. "Yeah, it was a pretty rough flight." Randy says. "That's because you never go the day of a pay per view." He tells us. "The only other one was too late." I say to him. He nods. "See you guys later." Randy says. They nod and we leave. It wasn't long. Maybe a 15 minute visit. We then go to the hotel. "You up for meeting up with my siblings tomorrow morning?" I ask. He shrugs. "I don't mind, but today were hitting the gym for a few hours." He informs. "Are you sure we have time? We have to be there in 3 hours." I ask. "Well, do a lighter workout. Take a quick shower. Not an hour." He says poking fun of me. "That was once." I deffend myself. He rolls his eyes as we pull around the back. No one knew that he was here till show time. "Can I get an RKO if I'm late?" I ask. "No. I'm never giving you one." He says. I smile. "Actually babe. You are." I say. "Wait what?" He asks. "Mark told me how I'd be used in the storyline with you and Colby. You and I would be making fun of him, and he would come out hearing enough. I'd be behind Colby. Colby would move and push me into an RKO." I say. "I don't want to." He whines as we park. I laugh. "Sorry. Its set in stone." I say in response. I get out and he follows. I open the trunk and go to grab my bags but he grabs it ahead of me. "I've got it." I say. "No, it's fine." He says. I roll my eyes and walk in with him. "Man you that lazy?" Nick asks jokingly from behind me. "Hey!" I say excitedly. I hadn't talked to him in a few weeks, and I was missing my 2nd best friend. We became friends not that long ago but, I was really enjoying his company. I smiled when I saw his shirt. Princess Lawler. "Cute shirt." I say to him. He smiles. "Thanks." He says blushing a bit. "You want a picture don't you?" He asks. "Hell yeah!" I say. He smiles. I look to Randy, then away quickly. "You want me to take it...don't you?" He asks. I nod and laugh. He smiles setting the bags down and grabbing my phone. He takes a few pictures. "I'll see you later Nick." I say. He nods. "Yeah, maybe. If not you know where to find me." He says. "By food?" I ask. He rolls his eyes. "Yeah. Whatever." He says. I smile at Randy and grab my bag taking it to the room. We'd be sharing with Paul and Stephanie. They wanted to start traveling with us. We weren't opposed. It made things easier. We'd have a split room, or share a larger room. Travel city to city with one another. "So, can I please get an RKO?" I ask as we near the door. "Dude, why do you want one?" He asks as we enter the door. Stephanie and Paul sitting in there. "You do it to me I do one to you." I say getting weird looks from Stephanie, and Paul. "RKO." Randy mouths. They nod. "Your the only person willing to get hit with it." He responds. "Okay, can we spar at least? I mean I might not have a match tonight, but I'd still like to be 120%." I say to him. He laughs. "Are you sure we have enough time?" He says mocking me. "Well, I'm gonna go get coffee. Anyone want any?" I ask. "I'll take a Triple, Venti, Half Sweet, Non-Fat, Caramel Macchiato." Stephanie says to me. "I'll be back in twenty. Anyone need anything else?" I ask. "No thanks." Paul and Randy say. I nod and grab my phone, and wallet. Randy passes me a key as I head out. I get in the lobby and run into Dad, Lauren and Brian. I smile at them and hug each of them. "Hey guys!" I say. "Hey Hails." Brian says. "Hey Bri. What's up?" I ask. "So, Heather, Kev and Kat wanted to meet up for lunch with Dad, and Roy tomorrow. We're all down. You in?" He asks. I nod. "Yeah!" I say with a smile. "I'll text you the info before tomorrow morning." He says. I nod. "Well, I've gotta get coffee. I'll see you later, or tomorrow." I say to them. "You and your coffee." Dad says rolling his eyes. "It's the best." I say. "You have an addiction." Dad points out. "No I don't. I'm not getting coffee. I'm getting Stephanie coffee and I'm getting Tea." I say lying. He rolls his eyes but let's me go. Guess I gotta get tea now. I walk in and get Stephanie's coffee and my tea. When I leave I get a text from Bayley.
B- Hey! Gosh! Big city! We're hanging out today at Fastlane or something.
H- Hell yess! Just text me when you get here.

Princess Lawler - R. Orton Where stories live. Discover now