A Different Side Of Gage.

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"Avery? Aren't you coming? Come on, get up!"

I groaned at the voice that pestered me, and I could briefly feel warm hands prodding at my arm, but I refused to move. I shifted, and rolled on to my other side.

"Avery! Come on, it's a beautiful day!"

Beautiful day? Were they kidding me? It the middle of the night, and they were-

Wait. It was night time, right?

I moved back on to my other side, and moved my hands rapidly around me, searching for sheets and soft pillows, only to feel a grainy texture that seeped through my fingers..was that sand?

I hesitantly peeked a eye open, only to have the sun practically fry my eyeballs out. I cringed, and quickly covered a hand over my eyes. Damn sun.


At the sound of the voice, my eyes followed a waiting figure. I couldn't make out exactly who it was, seeing as I was shielding my eyes, and squinting, but I did my best. All I could make it out was a pair of shiny blue eyes.


Was that Gage?

I slowly sat upwards, and looked directly at the figure, they turned, and ran the opposite way, down the beach.

Beach? When the fuck did I get to a beach?

But even though I had no clue why I was at this beach, and was certain I had never seen it in my life, it felt familiar. Almost like I had been here before.

"Would you stop sitting you're butt down and come on, Avery?"

Avery? Had they really just called me Avery? Now that I thought about it, I had realized they called me it three times. Why were they calling me Avery? I wasn't Avery. I was Ray.


"She's always so lazy," Another voice said, and my head snapped in the direction of where it came from, only to see the two figures standing side by side. But I still couldn't make out their faces. I needed to get closer.

I stood up slowly, and felt the warm breeze against my bare skin. Bare?

I took a look down at myself, only to see I was in a plain blue bathing suit. The same colour of the blue strips in my hair.

I quickly tugged at my hair that was in a pony tail, and set it free, right away.

The curls brushed my exposed shoulder, and I took a glance, only to reveal I no longer had blue strips in my hair. Just a mess of deep brown curls.

What the hell was going on? What had happened to my hair? I swear, if Gabby had died my hair in my sleep, I would kill her!

"Avery, are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost."

My eyes dragged back to where the two figures stood, the ones that had inched ever so closely.

"Why do you keep on calling me Avery?"

I was even surprised by the own sound of my voice, it was so soft, and melodic. OK, I knew Gabby was good at make overs, but I was pretty sure she couldn't change the sound of my voice. More questions were rising by the minutes.

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