Friend or Foe?

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        After my whole self discovery shit, we returned back to the pack house. With Dustin. Who explained everything to everyone. They were all shocked. Worried. And well, pissed. Zeke even went as far to lunge for Dustin. Probably to strangle him. Luckily, Gage had caught him in time and said, "If anybody is going to kill Green, it's gonna be me."

I rolled my eyes at the remark. And listened intently of all of Decklin's deviant plans revealed. Yeah, most of the pack was pretty tough and stuff, but rogue's? Really? They were just crazy. And most of the pack, even though they were experienced with the fighting area, weren't with rogue's. They were just too blood thirsty to predict their next hit. So training was forced down our throats, pretty much.

Not that I objected. I couldn't shift without going psycho. Instead I was going to be working with weapons, while everyone was shifting, when I told them I wasn't going to be shifting, Zeke asked, "Why not?"

"Because I don't shift." I said. I didn't cower away from his intense gaze. He probably expected me to since he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Ah, so I see you've gone into little tough girl act." Zeke laughed. I didn't.

"Think what you please." I shrugged, turning away from him and that was the end of our brief conversation.

But others weren't as pleased as me with training. It's because of the cabin trip. It had been postponed till next week, although there was school all next week. Gage said he'd get us out of somehow. I didn't doubt him one bit when he said that.

That night, even with his protest, I moved back into my room. I couldn't be any where near him with being tempted to be with him.

I was pleased with my changes at the end of the day.

That night, as I fell into sleep and into a horrible nightmare, I realized how much Gage's presence had just hushed the bad dreams, the.. Voice. He had some affect that washed away any darkness. But for this dream,  I wasn't the murderer. Decklin was.

"Don't!" I cried, "Don't kill him! It's me, you want, don't you?"

Decklin currently had Gage under him, his powerful jaw around Gage's snout, biting down till it leaked crimson blood that coated his midnight hair.

I know Decklin can't answer  me. Since he's in wolf form, and I'm not. He seems to bark something to Gage, probably a threat, since Gage shifts back to his human form. Only in a pair of ripped jeans and shirt. Decklin does the same.

For a minute a spark of hope fills me, because I'm armed, and it's easier to attack him in human form, then it is in wolf form. But it soon fades when I recognize another face. Dustin.

He's on the ground right next to Gage, pushed onto his knees as a man holds a knife to his neck. "Give me the knife, Connor. Grab the girl and make sure she doesn't run. You too, Jay."

Both men strut over to me. And I have about five seconds to run. But just like that day in the wood when I said my good byes to my parents, I realized I couldn't. So I'm grabbed on both side's of my arms and dragged. I thrash and let out screams till I'm pushed down onto my knees right in front of me.

"It's going to be okay, Ray."  Gage tried to reassure me, but it didn't help. I was beyond scared. Because Decklin, crazy Decklin, held the life of the two people I loved more then anything, in the palm of his hands.

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