Too Close For Comfort.

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                              Everyone was incredibly silent.

So silent, that you could hear a pin drop. And it was because of how I just explained what Ava said was true. I told them everything. How I killed my own parents and how I was on the run when they caught me. I even talked about my previous alcohol problem.

I figured I'd throw that one out there before Ava decided to blurt that out as well.

Dustin trained his eyes on the floor the whole time I talked and so did Gage. Who refused to even look at me. I was hurt, but I didn't push it.

I mean, I had told them I killed my parents. What was I expecting? For Gage to hug me and say, "It's cool, no worries"?

I had to be a major idiot to think that.

But it wasn't only Gage's opinion I was worrying about, it was the packs as well. What if they decided they didn't want to fight anymore to help me against Decklin? I was no better than him now. I was at his level. A liar and a murderer.

"So you killed your parents and pack?" Zeke asked slowly after the long pause of silence.

I nod timidly, whispering, "Yes." Then everyone's silent again. Elli gets up after a minute and leaves the room, shaking his head and murmuring.

I bit my lip, glancing back to everyone under my thick lashes. Somehow, I found myself staring at Gage, pleading with him to look at me. Or even say anything. He doesn't.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," I blurt, no longer being able to stand the silence. "I meant to, but.. It's just.." I trail off, unsure of how to justify my reasoning for not saying something.

"So you've been lying to us this whole time?" Gabby said, her eyes wide in disbelief. I shake my head quickly.

"No. Well maybe. Just about my pack and parents and stuff, but nothing else.  I promise."

Gabby swallowed roughly and rubbed her forehead, "I need to drink something." She left with that, going in the direction Elli went.

Everyone grunted the same thing and piled out, not sparing me a single glance.

Gage stayed, though.

He numbly stared at the rug with parted lips, probably still trying to digest what happened. I moved closer and hoped to grab his attention, but he doesn't budge.

"Gage?" I whispered softly, and hesitantly reached out. I rested my hand on his slowly. He tugged his hand away, making me frown. "Gage, I'm-"

"How could you not tell me that?" He said abruptly, glancing at me. "Did you just forget to mention that or something?"

"Well, no. I just wanted to wait till the right time to-"

"The right time?" He screeches, cutting me off again and shooting up from his seat on the couch. "There is no right time to tell me that you killed your parents and your pack!"

I flinched and went silent, pressing my lips together. The best I managed to squeak was, "I'm sorry."

Gage sighed before he fell back down in his chair. He ran a hand through his hair and slumped back in his seat. "You should have told me."

"I know." I said, "But it's not something you can easily tell someone, you know?"

"I guess," He mumbled. "Why'd you do it?"

"I didn't meant to. Something just.. happened. I lost control of my wolf side and I snapped."

"Is that why you don't shift?" He asked and I nodded. "You should have told me."

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