Over Protective, Much?

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              Gage's POV

          The sunlight itched at my closed eyelids, prodding at me to wake up.

I opened my eyes slightly, right away, being blinded by the sun. I groaned and reached up, rubbing at my eyes. I made a move to sit up, when I realized I couldn't.

What the-

Ray. Holy crap. How could I forget? We had fallen asleep here after the party. What time was it? Again, I tried to sit up, but was stopped when I heard Ray groan and tighten her arms around me, while throwing one of her legs over mine.

Not that I didn't like this position - Oh trust me, I really did - but I at least needed to find out what time it was.

A light bulb went off when I remembered I had my phone in my pocket.

In my right pocket, where Ray had her leg thrown over me. I just gotta be quick, that's all.

I lifted up the blanket, and slipped my hand down.

Along the way, I could feel my finger tips brush against Ray's bare thigh. I ran my hand up it against it once more, feeling the soft flesh. I heard Ray sigh contently and nuzzle her face into my neck. Her hot breath washed right over me.

Oh god.

Focus, man, focus!

Right, focus!

I felt along the side of my clothed thigh, and finally gripped at my phone that bulged itself in my pocket.

I slide my hand back up, I braced myself as I rubbed my hand over Ray's leg, for a minute, I paused on it, letting my fingers rest on her warm skin. I almost wanted to let my hand trail up further till I got-

"Are you trying to rape me in my sleep?"

I exhaled a curse. I'd been caught. And here I thought I was being sneaky. I chuckled, "It's not rape if you like it." I looked down at her, to see she now had her head propped up on my chest, looking at me with her bright green eyes.

"Well," She began, tracing the pattern of my tattoo that was slightly revealed, since the buttons on my shirt were half way un-done, "Who said I'd like it?"

I flipped her over abruptly, catching her off guard.

I placed both of my hands on each side of her head. The whole time, she glanced up at me, her lips slightly parted, practically begging to be kissed.

I leaned down, brushing a kiss to her forehead, "Oh you'd like it alright." I ran my hand up her thigh, again, ridding up the dress further.

She laughed, "Is that so?" She mumbled, even though she didn't seem to care for the conversation. She simply stared at me.

I nodded, and lowered my head to her neck. I brushed some hair off until I could see my mark.

I reached and traced my initials. I felt her shiver under my touch. My head descended to the mark, where I brushed another kiss to it. "That is so. I mean, look at me, who wouldn't?" I mumbled cockily, which earned me a slap to the chest.

"Cocky, much?"

I laughed, and pressed my body to hers, but still keeping most of my weight off her. "You love it," I teased and raised my head up from her neck.

She smiled sleepily at me, and I chuckled, resting a hand on her cheek. She leaned into my touch, sighing.

Our eyes seemed to dart to each other's lips, and I found myself leaning closer, until I could felt her breath against my lips, "Can I kiss you?"

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