Ava Returns.

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           By the time I woke up, It's already the afternoon and everyone's up and running. For a while, I make no attempt to get up from my cotton fortress till Gabby insists on bugging me. As always.

"Come on, Ray. We're gonna play some volleyball!"

"Have fun with that," I grumbled and rolled over, placing the pillow over my head. I closed my eyes with a sigh and begin to drift off when Gabby swiped the pillow from me and hit me with it, swatting me over and over again. "Hey! Cool it!"

"No! Get up!"

I shot up from my place on the bed and shoved at her to back off. She didn't. Finally, once I pleased her with getting out of bed, she stopped and sent a innocent smile in my direction. "See? That wasn't so hard, now was it?"

"Bite me." I retorted and passed her, bumping my shoulders with her. I made my way into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I heard Gabby's mocking laughter from the other side of the door, but made no attempt to care for it. Instead, I took a brief and quick shower. Once I got out, I changed into a pair of shorts and V-neck.

I exited the room and found my way into the living room. Once I saw the room was vacant, I made my way outside to see Gage and Gabby setting up a net. A volleyball net, I presumed.

"Morning sleeping beauty!" Gage called to me, a grin on his face.

"Morning," I mumbled as I approached, "What are you up to?"


I nodded, pinching my lips together. "Why do we always play some type of sport when we're all together?"

"Because there's not much else to do," Gabby retorted, throwing me the white ball. "And you're team captain. Pick your team."

"I don't want to be captain."

"I'll be captain!" Elli chirped and jogged over to me, reaching to grab the ball from my grasp when Gabby snagged it from me first.

"Ray, you're captain whether you like it or not. Pick your team."

I sighed and nodded, "Whatever. I'll pick-"

"Wait till everyone get's in line, jeez." Gabby grumbled and turned, calling to everyone to get in a line straight across. I narrowed my eyes and glared at the back of her head. What was up with her and her bitchy mood lately towards me? First, this morning, and now demanding I be captain?

Once everyone was in line, Gabby then gave me the okay to pick my team mates. I stare down the line of people. I barely know any of them besides Gage, Gabby, Dustin, Zeke, Chace, Elli, and Chloe. The other five people here are blank, unfamiliar faces.

My first pick, of course, is Gage. He grins and jogs over to me, once he's by my side, he wraps a arm around my shoulder. I grin back at him but it quickly falters when I see Dustin with another frown on his face.

My eyes fall to the sand, and the rest of the picking is a blur.

Gabby chooses a guy that's name is Sav. Then she picks a girl named Charolette.

I choose Chloe, even though she's complete crap, I can't face Dustin. That's why I pick Elli next time around.

Gabby chooses another two unfamiliar faces and It's evident that she wants to stick me with Dustin. They're four people left. Including Chace, Zeke, Dustin, and another chick I don't know.

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