chapter 19

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"Prince coming through!" Eloise announced as she took Leon's hand, walking with him, her cousins, and the various Pokemon into the hotel lobby to find Mr. Salamone, Mrs. Daniels, and a police officer. "Step aside! Excuse us, pardon us, very sorry to interrupt your daily business!"

"Yeah." Estelle said.

Felicity tugged on the hotel manager's pant leg.

"Not now..." Mr. Salamone glared, before looking back and doing a double take.

Leon smiled proudly and innocently.

Mr. Salamone gasped once he saw the prince. "Oh, thank goodness!"

"We told you we'd find him." Eloise replied with a smile.

"Yeah." Ditto smiled.

"Oh, Your Highness," Mr. Salamone told the man with the kids. "Would you please accept my most humble apologies?"

Leon raised a brow. "For what?"

Mr. Salamone looked at him, feeling odd that he was calm after being around Eloise for such a long time.

"It was the greatest day of my life." Leon then said with a smile.

The man smiled and gave the boy a one-armed smile, then looked back to the hotel manager. "If you'll excuse us, I think we should talk to Eloise." he and the others then bowed respectively to each other.

"Looks like you don't have to worry now, Mr. Salamone." Eloise said.

"Yes, well, that would be nice if it weren't for the 200 guests who will be expecting chicken dinners which mysteriously drowned..." Mr. Salamone looked firm to the girl. "And a rather unfortunate housekeeping incident with the Prince's Suite he will expect in... Oh! Less than an hour! There's no way it can all be done."

'Maybe he could use some help.' Larvitar thought to himself.

Ditto climbed up to the hotel manager and pulled him down by his tie to match his new owner's height.

"Oh, Mr. Salamone," Eloise replied to the hotel manager's request. "It absolutely can be done. "You just come right out and say what you need."

The others then waited anxiously for the next words to come from his mouth.

"Help..." Mr. Salamone whispered.

Eloise then grinned and met the others in the kitchen to talk about dinner arrangements with the head chef.

'I can't believe I just asked for help from children.' Mr. Salamone thought to himself.

Leon took off his coat and met the others in the kitchen.

"It cannot be done, Eloise!" the head chef told the plucky blonde girl. "We cannot cook for 200 people by 8:00!"

Eloise opened the back door and pointed to one place. "What's that?"

"Cheese." the chef replied like it was obvious.

"And that?" Eloise then pointed to another item.

"Caviar." the chef then said.

"Enough for 200?" Eloise put her hands behind her back.

"Eh, yes, but..." the chef stuttered.

"Then it's settled," Eloise smiled. "Grilled cheese and caviar for everyone!"

"Let's just hope everyone enjoys it." Akito said.

They were now upstairs in the Prince's Suite.

Akito and Estelle at the PlazaWhere stories live. Discover now