Chapter 23

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Hermione stands, moving silently until she's close to Vilinity.

"Look here, bitch." She growls. Vilinity turns and as she does, Hermione plunges her blade into the woman's heart. Vilinity gasps, all five wands falling from her hands with a clatter.

"I want you to see that I was the one who killed you. I want to be the last thing you see." Hermione hisses.

Vilinity falls to the ground and Hermione is on top of her in a flash, removing the knife and slamming it back into her chest.

"That's for my husband." She mutters. "That's for draco," another stab. "That's for my parents." All sounds around her are gone. Her sole focus is the knife and the body.

"And that," she slams the knife in one last time. "Is for me."

Hands grab her and pull her away. She hardly notices the tears streaming down her face. She's too distracted by her blood soaked hands.

"Hermione," Harry's face appears before her. "It's okay," he murmurs.

The realization of what she just did hits her. She just killed a person, with her own hands.

"Come on, it's time we get you back home." He helps and Ron help her up.

"Are you okay?" Ron asks her as Harry rushes to Draco's side. Draco bawls into Harry's shoulder.

"I don't know." She feels disconnected. "Are you?" She knows how horrid it is to go through the crutiatus curse.

"I'll live." He shrugs.

"I wanna go home." Hermione sighs.

"Then let's grab your husband and go." Ron says. Hermione nods and moves to her husband's side.

"Severus," she calls. He doesn't move. "Severus, please wake up." She gently strokes his face. His eyes slowly blink open.

"Sev, we're going home." She says softly.

"Bout bloody time." He grunts. Hermione lets out a sob and helps him up. Ron moves to the other side and together they support him.

Harry approaches, handing Ron his wand and Hermione gets Severus's wand. They trek down the hall. Draco breaks down when they get to Lucius's body.

"Hold him." Hermione tells Ron, having him take all of Severus' weight. "I have one more thing to take care of."

Gripping her husband's wand tight, she marches into Vilinity's office. The curtains are pulled over the painting she intends to destroy. She flicks her wand and the curtain flies off. Bellatrix stares in slight confusion.

"What the hell are you doing here? Where is my daughter?" She growls.

"Dead, just like your evolve scheme." Hermione clenches her jaw.

"You lying bitch!" Bellatrix starts shouting a string of curses at her. Hermione ignores it and raises her wand.

"Incendio." Hermione watches as the painting bursts into flames. Bellatrix screams as her painting burns.

As she's about to leave Hermione notices two bodies thrown carelessly into the far corner. One is recognized as Felicia. The other, quite unexpectedly, is Theron, the man who raised Vilinity. Pity for the man fills her.
Without another glance, she step out of the room. He resumes her place by Severus' side.

Her and Ron follow a solemn Harry and a weeping Draco down the stairs. The progression down the stairs is slow due to the nearly unconscious body between Hermione and Ron.

They finally make it to the bottom. Moving toward the front door Hermione is jerked back suddenly by her hair. She shrieks as she hits a solid body. Severus falls to the ground as Ron looses his grip.

An arm snakes around her throat, tightening until her windpipe closes.

"She isn't going anywhere." A voice growls. If sounds like William, a sharp copper scent hits her nose, probably from the blood still on his face. She struggles against him.

"William let her go!" Harry and Ron raise their wands.

"If you send a spell, you will hit her too. So back off." William growls. His arm tightens around her throat.

Her vision darkens as her air supply diminishes. Her struggles get weaker.

"William let her go!" Ron shouts. Then it all goes black.


Severus drifts back into consciousness. He hears people shouting. He blinks his eyes open. First thing he notices is that he is on the ground.

In his line of sight, he sees Harry, supporting Draco, and Ron pointing their wands.

Severus shifts and sees what they're pointing at. It's the blue eyed man, he has Hermione in a choke hold. Hermione's eyes drift shut as she slumps in his grip.

Adrenaline rushes through Severus, giving him a spurt of energy.

He spots his wand not far from him. He reaches for it and pulls it close.

"William, you're killing her!" Ron shouts in anguish.

With a burst of energy, Severus hops up and body checks William. He grabs Hermione and points his wand at William.

"Sectumsempra," William flies back as invisible blades slice his chest.

William groans from the floor. Blood seeps from the wounds on his chest. He whimpers loudly. Unable to stand much more, especially holding his wife, he drops to his knees. He holds her gently. William's whimpers taper off until it's silent.

The front door of the building bursts open. Aurors stream into the house.

They move to Harry, awaiting instructions.

"Body count of at least four on the second level, there is a stairwell up there, not sure where it ends." He starts giving orders to different aurors.

"They need to be taken to St. Mungo's,"

Two aurors approach Severus. One picks up Hermione. The other helps Severus up. Disapperation happens quickly and they appear in front of the entrance to the magic hospital.

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