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What do you think of my peculiar photographs? In these last few chapters I write, I'll have all of the peculiar photos in my collection as the image. The girl on the far right looks like she has a secret. The man in the middle is like, 'I don't want my picture taken!' The woman holding his arm is just like, 'calm down, just get your picture taken!' And then the child on the end is just like, 'I'm disinterested as far as taking my picture goes, I'll just play a hand game.'

One day after breakfast, Sam went up to his room while we were talking to him, and came out a minute later, with a camera in his hand.

"You kids need documentation of your time here. Maybe you can send pictures to Gabe, and make it seem like he's here. I always wanted some letters and pictures when I was in the military." Nobody pointed out that it was Abe, and not Gabe, which surprised me. It was a good thing Emma was not in the room.

"Now, make sure to get a lot of them, then we can develop them in the library, because there aren't any windows." Added Sam.

"What if you splash developing water on my books?" Millard asked. But no one replied. I noticed they had a habit of doing that. If Millard ever whined, or asked a stupid question, they just ignored it.

"Come on guys, this way!" Claire grinned, running away with the camera. We sprinted after her. She took us to the stream, where the hut still was. "It's a great spot!" She announced. Olive removed her shoes, and under them it was revealed she had a second pair on. She glided, bouncing along the way, like there was no gravity, until she got to the spot where she wanted. There she floated.

"Smile!" I said, snapping a picture. Olive walked over and grabbed on to my shoulder for balance. Then, still using my shoulder as support, accidentally turned upside down in midair. She shrieked. Her feet were up in the air, like she was doing a one-armed handstand.

"Wait, Magpie!" Bronwyn called, lifting up Olive's shoes and running with them to me. She grabbed Olive around the waist and buckled her shoes on."There." She said, stepping back. "We almost lost you to the clouds!"

"Aw, I woulda been fine." Olive brushed it off.

Millard ran up then, panting. He was wearing clothes, surprisingly. "I want my picture taken!" He declared, running to the front.

"Can I have your scarf, Netta?" He asked me.

"Sure." I said, and gave it to him. He knotted it around, and draped it over his shoulder.

"There's my head." He said, and I snapped the shot.

"Can we get back to the house, it's freezing here!" Enoch said. So, we started walking back the way we'd come. When we had just broken the tree line, Horace strolled up.

"Oh, no! Have I missed a picture opportunity?" He frowned.

"Course not." Hugh said. "What are you wearing?" He asked. It was true. Horace decided to really dress up. Even more than usual. He had a monocle, his top hat, (which was usually only for 'special' occasions,) and even a cane, which no one had the slightest idea where it came from.

"Ah, you know. An attempt to dress up! It's not everyday a gent gets his picture taken, now, is it?"

"I suppose not." Hugh said awkwardly. He moved aside.

"Now, let me see. I'll have a lost expression on my face, looking off to the side. Get the camera angle right!" I rolled my eyes internally. "Perfect!" He grinned. "When can I see it?" He asked excitedly.

"As soon as we develop them." Sam said, walking along the side of the house. "Have you got them all?" He asked.

I nodded my head.

"Excellent! Now, where does your ymbryne keep the chemicals?" He asked. I guess only Enoch knew, he used them for preservation. "Meet me in the library." Sam said, following Enoch, who was heading for the outside cellar door.

I decided to head up to my room to change, it could get messy. So, when I got to the library, the process had already started. All the lamps were covered in red cloth, casting an eerie glow around the room.

"Oh, good, Nettalyn, I'm glad you came when you did. It would be pretty depressing for your friends' pictures to not come out because you shone light on them." Sam said, motioning for me to come in. I closed the door behind me.

He dipped a roll of paper into a baking pan filled with a sharp smelling liquid. I wonder if The Bird knew her baking pans would probably not be okay to bake in for a few washes.

After a few minutes, they went into another pan. Then, just as Sam was taking the first one out, the door opened.

"Do you want any snacks?" Miss Peregrine whispered. She recognized the makings of a photo developing lab, and decided to close the door again.

Sam chuckled. "Oh, boy. Now, I sincerely hope your pictures have turned out. It would be unfortunate if they didn't make it. Perhaps that's a lesson." He rinsed out the copies and clipped them to a string he had running across the room.

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Enoch spoke up. "Uh, how long will this take?" He asked hesitantly.

"What? Oh, they'll be dry by tomorrow, you can come back then. You can play now." We all walked out the door, just slipping through a crack.
The next morning we assembled back after breakfast to the library, and Sam was already there.

"Morning!" He said cheerfully. "Now, good news is you all look spectacular, bad news is one of you got exposed. Want to see?" We nodded fervently. He passed them out.

"Dashing as always." Horace said as he admired himself.

"Oh, Olive. You didn't smile. You look possessed!" I exclaimed.

"It's very unique. Abe'll have a laugh!" Olive said.

"Aww!" Millard moaned. "It's exposed!" He held it up and we gathered around. He turned out pretty well, actually, very smart. But the surrounding area was extremely dark.

"It looks like you took a picture at night!" Bronwyn said.

"But it's very mysterious!" I added. "Abe will like it."

"I'm sure he will." Millard said.

We put together a package, a couple of Emma's letters, our pictures, some older ones of others before us, some candy, (Olive and Claire insisted it was all he would want,) and gave them to an ymbryne who could get them to Abe.

Audibility- A Miss Peregrines Fanfiction #1Where stories live. Discover now