3: Yea, we're just late for school

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Gray-sama and I waited, a few minutes before the next train came.

"Finally", gray-sama huffed as we boarded the train.

I giggled, and sat on a seat inside.

This year I had hoped to get as much classes as I could with gray-sama.

I zoned off into my own thoughts, that I didn't notice gray-sama staring at me.

"Uh Juvia, what's up?", he asked me as he took his hands of the rail, and sat next to me.

I blinked a couple of times, before I snapped back to reality.

"Oh uh, I was just wondering what type of classes I'm gonna get", I lied.

He stared at me for a while, before a blush crept on this face.

But sadly I knew that blush wasn't meant for me.

"I-I hope I get some classes with her this year", Gray-sama stuttered.

I giggled, knowing who gray-sama was talking about, but deep down I couldn't help but get this feeling.....

"D-dont laugh, you know I like her and all, but..., I doubt that she likes me", he looked down at his shoes, like they were the most interesting things in the world.

I sighed and patted his back, I was gonna give him some cheer up, cause that's what friends do... Right?

" Don't worry gray-sama, if she doesn't like you then she doesn't know what she's missing", I patted his back.

" Last stop, Fairy Tail Academy", the loud speaker called.

I sighed and grabbed my bag, "well here we go gray-sama", I smiled at him as he got up from his seat.

He smiled back, and grabbed my wrists, and pulled me out the train.

Yea, We're Just Best FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now