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"Noivern, Sonicboom!" 

The huge Dragon typed Bat Pokemon seemed to inhale, before expelling that air, disrupting the sound waves int he air, and turning it into a heavily concentrated attack. The watching audience, filled with children, from ages 6 - 10, covered their ears at the loud noise. The attack rippled through the air, completely obliterating the wooden targets set up for it, lost into a billow of dust and smoke. One shard of wood flew back towards the trainers foot. The black raven haired trainer picked up the wood, and tossed it into the air, and caught it on its way down. He then held it up for his audience to see - It had been a totally clean strike, the wood was practically perfectly cut into a diamond like shard. The trainer grinned as he showed the children the perfect clean cut, their faces captivated. The trainers name was Ash. 

"See, this is the type of power a Pokemon can achieve, and this is barely the tip of the iceberg." Ash told them. At this point, his Noivern landed next to him, smiling at his trainers praise, even if it was indirect. Ash patted his Dragon in the head. "I had Noivern hold back quite a bit. If he was going full blast, there's no doubt he could knock down an entire building if he wanted to." 

"Is that because Noivern is super big?" One kid asked, wide eyed in admiration.

"Not necessarily." Ash told the kid. "The Pokemon's size isn't always representative of their abilities." Ash nodded to two assistants behind the crowd, who then ran off to set up new targets. "Pikachu?"

Pikachu had been sat with the audience while his trainer had demonstrated with his Noivern, mostly because Pikachu was a very small and friendly Pokemon, so Ash figured it might be fun for the kids to get to be near a Pokemon like Pikachu. Pikachu hopped up next to its trainer, as Ash recalled Noivern to its Pokeball. Pikachu leapt up his trainers shoulder, where he was usually perched.

"Pikachu here was my very first Pokemon, and I've never seen a more powerful Pokemon in my life." Ash said, with a proud grin. "Pikachu, ready to show 'em?" His partner Pokemon grinned, and jumped down, ready to display a feat of power. Electrical sparks discharged from Pikachu's red pouches. The targets had been set up. Now was the time.

"Pikachu, Electro Ball!" Ash commanded with a grin.

Pikachu formed a ball made of sheer electricity around its tail, and leapt up into the air. Surrounding it, Sparks and static made a small light show, as the ball was barely able to contain the power. Pikachu had leapt up to gain the most air, and would fall faster, increasing the speed and therefore, overall power of the attack. Pikachu made a quick calculation. Three targets. The center target would cause the most damage and largest explosion. Quickly taking aim, and, with pinpoint accuracy, launched the attack, it immediately reaching its terminal velocity within a matter of seconds. The resulting explosion towered above the entire audience, blasting off hats and loosely held items. The explosion towered over any houses nearby. Given the fact there hadn't been a conductor of any sort, no fuel or anything, to help spark such an explosion, spoke volumes in itself. Most of the audience quickly shielded their eyes from any flying debris, but it never came. The attack had been so concentrated and powerful, any and all debris had just essentially evaporated into the blast before they could even start escaping the explosion.

Ash stood with his hands in his pockets, and grinned at the sight of the explosion. When Pikachu fell back to earth, landing on his trainers shoulder, Ash gently petted Pikachu's head. Pikachu's strength had improved phenomenally over the past two years, the result of vigorous training in the time skip. Despite not traveling in these past two years, he had more than made up for it with immense training. Even though it had bored him somewhat, he hadn't given it up.

The audience, Ash noticed, refocusing his attention, were eye wide, jaws dropped, gaping in awe at the sheer power that came from the tiny electric mouse Pokemon. It had easily been the strongest attack they had seen all day, if not in their entire lives. The display had been so intense, that even when it had dispersed, leaving a crater where the targets were, in a perfect semi - spherical radius into the ground, many of the onlookers continued watching in awe. 

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