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Little trace of Miette or their Pokemon was to be found once they managed to claw their way back to the battlegrounds of the previous day. No signs of Sierra or Beta. Or whoever that Psi character had been. No signs of a fight either. No signs of anything.

Like it hadn't even happened.

That was a worrying thought. Without their Pokemon, there was very little they could so. Worried as Ash was for Miette and his Pokemon, he knew that without them, he couldn't do anything, even if they found them and their aggressors.

It was for that reason they had decided that the best conclusion would be to travel to the next town regardless. They simply had to hope Miette, Pikachu, and all their Pokemon had managed to run there to safety, to inform someone of what had happened to the two of them.

Once they had set off, they had only gotten about halfway through the route before rain made journeying impossible. The raindrops were roughly the same size as a tiny pebble, but that was still large for raindrops. They were lucky, as there was a cave system nearby that they could hide in... Although, since their entrapment with a cave barely a few hours ago, neither of them particularly wanted to. Unfortunately for them, neither of them had a choice.

The cave had a breeze running through it, cold on their soaked skin. It wasn't a particularly deep cave, more live a cavern, going into the cliff-side it was located in only a few meters. There way roughly a meter in moving space width wise, making it about half as big as the cave they had been stuck in. This cave also produced a light echo to the smallest noise, which bounced back at the Kalosian and the Kantoean.

Watching the rain fall rapidly, Ash moved a bit further inside the cave, as drops of water were finding their way into falling inside the caverns entrance. "Wonderful." He muttered sarcastically to Serena. "First, we get trapped. Next the rain tries to wash us away, and finally, we end up stuck in a cave again." He smirked as he said this, trying to lighten the mood.

It didn't work. Serena had barely spoken a word since they had escaped their cave entrapment. As it stood, to her, she was simply embarrassed by everything that had happened.

What was it that had her embarrassed? Well, she had basically confessed her deepest feelings towards Ash, that was a good place to start. Not only he she confessed, she had poured her heart out. Put everything into it, despite nit actually meaning to. It just seemed to... Happen, and now she was stuck with the consequences.

But Ash said he loved her as well.

So what was it she was nervous about?

Irrationality had spread throughout her entire system by the time they had decided to head to the next town, and just hope beyond hope the rest or their group had run on ahead. Had Ash been telling the truth? Was he lying? He had responded so easily compared to her.

Had he been making it up to make her feel better?

"Hey." Ash called for Serena, shattering the icy tension between the two of them, and Serena's thought process. She looked at him, and wasn't able to tell if his face resembled seriousness or relaxation. Clearly he knew he had to deal with this, but he seemed to be smiling almost, but not quite. "I think we need to talk."

The honey-blonde girl simply went red and nodded softly. She couldn't bring herself to speak.

Knowing Serena wasn't going to be able to start the conversation, Ash sighed, and decided he would have to. "...Do you regret what we said to each other?"

Looking at the raven haired Kantoean in front of her, she considered, only for a brief second. Did she? Would things have been easier if she hadn't said it? Would they be less awkward? Or would they just build up until later, making things worse? "I don't know..."

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