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When Serena finally woke up the next day, there was a genuine moment where she feared the previous day had been a joke. A prank. An imagination devised by her subconsciousness. There was a small panic when she thought that maybe that perfect night had been just that little bit too perfect. What reassured her of its credibility were the clothes she had actually worn that day, lazily throw at the foot of her bed, since she couldn't be bothered to fold and put them away properly.

She had been absolutely exhausted when they finally got back to the Pokemon center at God knew what time. It was late, no doubt about that, and the fact they'd been walking around all night hadn't helped her fatigue. But considering how that night had ended, and the fact that she'd gotten to hold hands with him all the way back, she would have happily walked that same amount seven times over if it meant that she got to experience it all over again.

Her heart fluttered and she sighed happily once she remembered the kiss the two of them had shared. It had been short, electrifying, and not at all something she had expected, but she'd be damned if it didn't make her heart race.

Two years she had waited for that moment, and last night, it had finally arrived. She couldn't be happier. It just wasn't possible for the blonde Kalosian to be any happier right now. Part of her wanted to remain in bed all day, just so she could relive it, again and again in her mind, while basking in Ash's warmth. Or her bedsheets warmth, more accurately, but she had a good imagination.

So for a while, that's just what she did. Snuggling into the comfortable heat that her duvet gave her, closed her eyes once again, and imagined that she was back at that spot with Ash. That that moment lasted forever. That it didn't have to end. That it would last forever.

It wasn't until she remembered that everyone else was probably up and waiting for her to wake up and join them, and that Ash was one of them, that she finally decided to throw her duvet aside and change into her travelling clothes. No doubt Miette was going to have some choice words and jokes at her expense, but she couldn't care less about those wisecracks at her expense. She and Ash were dating! If it was possible for someone to literally get high on life, Serena would most likely be the most stoned person on the planet right now.

Not wasting any time, she threw on her red over jacket, completing her outfit, and after packing away all of her clothes and belongings into her bag, ready to head out, she threw open the door to her room, practically humming.

Until she saw Miette leaning against the wall, looking smug as smug could possibly be.

"What the - " Serena jumped, surprised to see her friend literally waiting for her to show up. "How - How long have you been waiting there?!"

"Long enough to hear you singing a happy tune." The blue haired girl smirked. If she could have made it any more obvious she was teasing her performing friend, she would have no doubt made it more obvious. It left Serena wondering just how much she knew about what had happened the previous night between her and Ash. "I take it the date went well, huh?" More than she was pretending to know, apparently.

Closing the door and forcing herself not to get giddy about the interactions the two of them had shared, Serena smiled and replied simply, "Good."

"You know I'm gonna press this until I know what happened, Serena." Miette reminded the blonde girl, falling in line alongside her, with that knowing look in her eye. After travelling with the baker for so long, Miette had displayed a very good ability to know when something was on Serena's mind, or when she was hiding something. And when she wanted to know something, she was probably the most persistent person Serena knew. She'd once pestered her over a text message for over two hours. "Come on, out with it. Hand holding? Hugs? Kisses?"

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