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Considering it had already been a full week since arriving in Kalos, Ash was understandably concerned. He knew it wouldn't matter all that much, but he was still concerned that he hadn't delivered the papers. He had been so wrapped up in everything else, actually getting to Kalos, seeing Serena again, and such in such an eager mood to begin his traveling again...

Ash sighed. He had screwed up, big time.

'Okay, this is no big deal, I can sort this out.' Ash thought to himself, looking over the complicated dats he had helped compile over the two years. Flipping through it, he saw pictures used as material source, that he remembered. 'Okay, i can - I can just use one of those teleporters and send this stuff to Professor Sycamore that way. That should be fine.' Ash had always wondered why Oak hadn't ever sent his research through computerised methods. His explanation was that he had had bad experiences with teleporters before. Something about them ruining his data. As for not making everything on computers, Oak stated he simply preferred the feeling of writing everything in a more traditional manner, which was fair enough, Ash supposed. To each their own. But it had sending things very awkward. Like right now, for example. Then again, Ash didn't have much of a choice. Long range teleporters, he would be able to see where Oak was coming from. He had had issues with cross regional ones before. But an interregional one should be virtually flawless.

Gathering all the papers, flattening them, and getting out any of the crinkles, and ensuring they were in the correct order, Ash left his things and made his way downstairs. It was late, but not unreasonably so. It had just gone past 2200, or 10PM. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to assume the Professor was still working. If Ash had learned anything about professors in his two years working with one, it was that they often got lost in their research. It wasn't uncommon for Ash to go to Oaks lab and find out he hadn't actually gone to sleep.

Ash quickly made his way down the stairs, jumping two or three steps at a time, making his way down as quickly as possible. He walked quickly, not quite running, but not quick walking either. More like a very quick pacing. While he knew it didn't matter too much if the papers were delivered today or tomorrow, he thought it would be the sooner the better. He passed some other trainers, headed the opposite way, whispering to themselves about something or other. Ash ignored them and carried on.

Turning into the room where he had held Serena not too long ago, he eyed around for the teleporting machines. His search was short lived, as he found them very quickly.

It was whom were using them that made Ash freeze in his tracks.

Beta and Sierra, the only two in the room. Ash figured that the trainers he had passed were leaving the room out of intimidation. It would be hard to blame them. The winners of the tournament had been absolute savages.

"Have you completed your objective?" The voice that was apparently on the phone they were using rung out. It was a very... Presenting voice, was the best way Ash could describe it. It told people in the room, this was the person talking. Pay attention to him.

"Affirmative." Beta replied, still stiffly uptight. "Objectives have been completed. Tournament victory achieved. Training exercise a success. Additional plans have been formulated."


Ash's eyes raised. A training exercise? Scanning the room, he saw Sierra and Betas bags. There were a few bits and pieces already out of their bags. And the trophy they had received for winning. On its side, unattended, nor any real care as to where it had landed. They had just tossed it aside, like a T-shirt they had won at a carnival fairground game that neither of them had any interest in. Like it was a travelling inconvenience.

"Beta, has Sierra been living up to expectations?" The voice asked. "Please, be as honest as possible. It is data that is valued by many, so I ask you to present the truth and nothing but."

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