The First Nightmare

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Everything was dark, I couldn't see anything. Where is this place? I took a step forward and put my hands out in front of me. Slowly taking another step forward.
"Hello?" My voice echoed for what seemed like miles. Suddenly a bright light turns on and the room or space was huge and I couldn't see the walls they were that far away.
"Hello, anyone?" Still I got no answer, an eerie silence followed my call. Static was the next sound, I turned around and a tv was sitting on the ground. The static screen turned to a news channel.

"YouTube stars Mark Fischbach and Sean Mcloughlin are in comas, now one knows why these stars won't wake up, hospitals are doing all they can to keep these two alive and wake them up" my breath hitched in shock. When did this happen, why is this happening?

"Stephanie, why?" Voices started coming from all over the place.
"Stephanie, why are you keeping us here, let us go, Stephanie, it's painful, why" they kept saying hurtful things, I tried running away but they followed, I shut my eyes and ran as fast as I could. Suddenly I bumped into someone and was now on the floor. I looked up and to my surprise it was Mark. He had tears in his eyes.
"Mark, what's wrong, why are you crying?" He just sobbed and stood there looking at me with hurt in his eyes, it pained me to see this.

"You kept us here, I was suppose to wake up a week ago. You've trapped us here, why?"
"Mark I didn't know, when did this-" but I was cut off.
"You wouldn't let us go and now we aren't able to help others, or even see our families again!" Jack yelled from behind me making me flinch.
" I-I didn't... I don't" I stuttered as tears started filling my eyes. "I'm sorry, I-"
"This is all your fault, you did this to us!" They both yelled with anger clearly in there voices.
They lunged for me but I ran, other YouTubers popped out of the shadows and tried to grab me but I ran passed them. I was surrounded, I didn't know what to do. I dropped to my knees and shut my eyes as I cried and awaited what they were going to do with me.
Nothing happened, I looked up and saw no one. Looking around I find that I'm alone again, what is this? I wipe the tears from my face and look at the floor.

"HehehahHAHAhahahehehe" a deep laugh filled the air.
"W-who are you?" I quivered.
"You don't know who I am? You should, I am your worst nightmare Stephanie. You may not be afraid of me but I can bring the fears you hold. But let me tell you this, I don't quite feel like myself." with that he appeared in front of me. I took a step back, this monster of a being standing before me was the Dakiplier.

"Dark what do you want?" I say with a calm face, even though on the inside I'm screaming and wondering how he exists.
"Oh, so you know who I am, so I won't have to explain everything " he smirked.
"Do you know why I'm here Miss Stephanie?" He said disappearing and re-appearing next to me. I flinched and stepped back.
"N-no, what are you doing here? Uh, Where is here?" He chuckled and suddenly the room was a cave in the mountains, then next a forest and then a city, then back to black.
"This is your mind, you are dreaming. I am here simply because you are part of my plan." If this was a dream then that would explain everything I went through just before. I looked at him angrily.

"You always have a plan, let me guess. It has something to do with making Mark feel pain and therefor forcing him to give you something presious." His smirk widened and I felt fearful of what he would do next. Chains came from the ground and linked onto my arms and pulled me down. I was now laying on my back while the chains continued to strap me down tighter.
"Well, you have half of it right, the part about making Mark suffer is part of it, but he can't give me what I want. You on the other hand can, I want you to give me the power to control them. I've seen you do it." He said sliding a hand under my chin and pulling my head up. I shook away.
"You're an idiot, I can't control them, I can only see them when they are asleep" He chuckles and walks around me.

"If you can't give me that, then you have to give me your body" I instantly blush.
"Well you can't, so forget about it!" I yelled glaring at him, he glared back.
"Do you wanna let me finish or do you wanna get hurt?" I stayed quiet, it was obvious he was trying to keep his anger in.
"I'm not gonna to do what you think, I want to control your body so that I may live in a being of organic matter, and because you can see and talk to 'them' your the perfect candidate."

I tried several times to escape the chains that have a hold on me but failed every time.
"You can forget about it you bastard, you will never get what you want." he growled and
floated above me.
"You will let me or I will take it by force!" He yelled in my face.
" In. Your. Dreams. Fucker" I blatantly said and he yelled in annoyance.
"Fine you want to do this the hard way, you got the hard way" he grabbed my arms and turned into a mist. The chains started re-coiling away. I coughed and instantly my hands went to my thought. I couldn't breath, the mist was cold and I started twitching. I tried shutting my mouth but I couldn't, I'm so sorry Mark and Jack. I went limp, everything was numb and I was running out of air.

Suddenly my body jerked up and air filled my lungs, and I began coughing up bits of black liquid as the mist flew out of me and Dark re-appeared on his hand and knees holding his side. More of the black liquid dripped from his side, I guess that's his blood.
He groaned as he stood up. The cut in his side almost immediately healed up, he turned to me with a very annoyed look on his face. 
"GAH! Your body didn't let me in! Why?!" He screamed walking up to me grabbing the collar of my shirt and lifting me to his level. I tried to say i don't know but it came out in a squeak and more coughing, my throat hurt like it had been burnt with fire and new tears fell from my eyes.

"Urg, Your useless!" He yelled and through me to the side, chains came from the roof and grabbed my arms and my hands up. I was now hanging a centimeter above standing on my toes.
"If you're not letting me in then I will force you to" He yelled once more, he grabbed my neck and started squeezing it. The air inside of me was bursting to get out, I tried shaking away but his grip was too strong. Suddenly I felt a pain in my upper back, he was carving the letter D into my right shoulder. I tried screaming but he continued to squeeze my throat. Everything started going black, but before I fell into complete darkness he said something very much expected.
"If you tell anyone, I will come back and I will make you feel pain like never before."

I jolted up holding my throat as tears rolled down my cheeks, a screeching voice came from my throat as I cried. It was night time and I had fallen asleep, everyone must have woken up or was doing something. I was on the floor, I remember falling asleep on the couch. I suddenly remembered something, I try to stand but my body was stiff and it didn't want to move. I limped to the bathroom and shut the door, taking off my shirt I found a very light scare of a D on my shoulder. It still stings, it was real, oh god. My parents were still asleep as well as my brothers, I walked into my room, with my shirt back on, to find Mark admiring my drawings that hang on the wall.

Still holding my neck I tried saying his name but it hurt to much and I squeaked instead. He noticed and walked over.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked concerned, I just shook my head and pointed to my throat. He frowned and rubbed my back as my tears came back.
"You fell asleep on me, half an hour ago, you looked so peaceful that I didn't want to move you or wake you up, I didn't know it would ruin your voice." I slightly smiled at this, just hearing his voice sometimes makes me feel better.
"Let your voice rest and if it's still sore in the morning them take some medication or go to the hospital " I nodded and got into bed, I'm not gonna bother changing in to my pj's.

Mark went to leave but I grabbed his arm, I didn't want him to leave, I was afraid dark would come back, I quivered at the thought of it. Mark turned around and I looked at him with pleading eyes begging him to stay. He sighed and pulled my desk chair over to the side of my bed.

"You had a nightmare, didn't you?" I nodded as he sat down" I will stay with you until you fall asleep." He's so kind, I'm grateful I get to talk to him almost everyday. As I thought about it a small smile made its way onto my face. My eyes got heavy and I fell asleep looking at Mark's warm smile, completely forgetting about Dark and the nightmare.

( thank you for reading, my friend spell checked it so it should be better than the first. I hope you enjoyed it my sadistic people, see you in the next chapter)

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