lying to a friend

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I woke up to the alarm of my radio ringing as my head throbbed with a headache. I got up and quickly ran to the bathroom to tack a shower, a cold sweat is the worst thing to feel on an Autumn morning. I was hoping it was all a dream but as I stared at the now dry blood on my back from the carved in D in my shoulder, the more and more I began to worry.
"Hey Stephanie, you in there?!" Jack yelled from the other side of the door.
" don't tell" a whispering voice echoed in my head.
" mmmhmm" I hummed because I knew my voice wouldn't work still, I herd him walk away and a sigh escaped me. As the warm water hit my scratches it stung and I had to hold back a wince of pain. I let the water run over the rest of my body and it soothed the headache I had. After getting out I put on some genes and a long sleeved shirt with the words ' call my agent ' written on it. I went out and grabbed a big band-aid and quickly put it over the scratches and finally had some time to breath. My mum came out and looked at me very confused.

" why aren't you wearing your school uniform?" I tried to say because I had a headache but I just remembered that my voice is out for a while. It ended up sounding like a squeaky 

" be-ca e ed-ak" I grabbed my thoughts and bent over to catch myself from falling to the ground. My mother helped me up and tried looking at my throat.

" oh baby, your voice is gone? You must have a bad case or the cold, or even the flu. Do you think you could go to school?" I shook my head and rubbed my head, I saw Jack in the corner of my eye sitting on the couch looking over at me with a really worried expression.
" you have a headache don't you, I can see it, you have bags under your eyes" I nodded and she hugged my head into her neck.
" you can stay home but you have to do some homework, alright?" I nodded again. My mum is so nice, if only she  knew what was going on. The rest of he morning went as smoothly as a normal school morning should and my mum took my younger brother to school and my mum went to work. About five minutes later I was sitting on the couch watching supernatural with a water bottle and some chocolates.
" Water bottle, Yes. Chocolate, No!" Jack said snatching away my snack and placing it in the pantry (if your not Australian then you probably won't know what that is, it's a big cupboard that all the food goes into). I frowned and folded my arms.
" chocolate isn't gonna help that cold you have, and I doubt it would do anything for your headache" well he was right about my headache, but I swear that I don't have a cold.
' don't tell~' I tensed up and my throat closed on me and I panicked. It opened up five seconds later, I held my throat as cool air ran through it and a stinging sensation fell over me. Jack ran to my side as I feel to the floor, but there was nothing he could do so he just held my side. About a minute later the pain stopped all together, I slumped into jacks arms as I breathed heavily.
" this has to do with last night doesn't it?" Jack said calmly, I shook my head even though I was lying.
" no, it is. I saw it happen, you were asleep on the couch and I came in to put you in your bed when I saw a figure and hid" I sat up slowly, he saw it happen while I was asleep? I shook my head once more and made a sign that I wanted some paper and a pen. He went and got them and I wrote
' i don't remember anything happening last night, I just lost my voice in a painful cold' he sighed.
" well something did happen"
* last night*
Jacks pov:
Walking into the lounge room felling the smile that had grown on my face disappear, someone that I didn't recognize was standing in the room. I quickly hopped back behind the wall and peaked over. This man was completely black silhouetted  and just stood there. Stephanie started to sit up and I was expecting a scream but she just stood up and walked into the middle of the room. She fell to the floor and I had the Feeling that it she wasn't awake but being controlled but I couldn't move in to help. Suddenly the man turned into a mist and this mist started to go down her throughout, her body started twitching, she was chocking on it. Then the mist came out and the man reappeared holding his side, in a blink of an eye he lifted her up and began choking her with one hand. At this point I could finally will myself to move and I ran to get mark but I felt myself wake up before I could.
* back to present*
I looked at her with a worried face, she hugged me and I hugged back. We separated and she pressed play and we continued to watch supernatural. A jump scare appeared and I screamed, I then blushed in embarrassment because I sounded like a girl. Mark soon appeared and went straight into talking to Steph.
"Stephanie, how's your throat?" She giggled but grabbed her neack as a painful look passed on her face. Mark quickly sat next to us with the same expression I had before, worry. She grabbed the pen and paper and wrote
' I'm fine, I just can't talk because it hurts too much' he read it and sighed,
" do you wanna wright what happened last night, so that we can try to help?" She sighed ' I woke up with pain in my throat lying on the floor of the lounge room, then I went to you and you know the rest' he didn't seem to like that response very much.
" we will be back, you stay out here and continue watching your show" She nodded and mark dragged me out of the room to talk.
" did she say or write anything to you about what happened?" I shook my head.
" but I haven't told you what I know" he looked at me confused.
" why didn't you say something before, I've been worried all day." Mark said trying not to shout
" I didn't know if Stephanie wanted us to know, and considering you were that worried you went straight into talking to her. Any way I saw something, and I'm not sure we should be worried but I know it wasn't friendly" I told Mark about what I saw and came to the conclusion that it wasn't a man but the fan made other half of Mark, that is actually real,
Reality daunted on me.
" Stephanie kept denying that anything was wrong, maybe he threaten her?" Mark nodded as that was possibly the only reason she wouldn't tell.
Walking back out we found her asleep on the couch, her hair covering some of her face and a slight snore came from her confirming that she was asleep. I sat down next to her and paused the video, looking at her sleeping face I pulled the hair behind her ear, she was cute. And not in that way, cute like a little kid, she was like a sister to me.
" I hope her voice gets better" Mark said and I just nodded. Suddenly a black mist entered the room and started floating over Stephanie's sleeping body.
" that's what I saw" I said trying to get to Stephanie but Mark was holding me back. The mist turned into a man that looked identical to mark. He looked at us with an evil grin that sent shivers down my spine.
" I see you found out about me, she tried so hard to not say anything. I guess it's my fault about that, I let you so me." He put his hand on her cheek and her face turned into a painfully scared expression.
" I wanted to toy with you guys but as Jack saw, her body rejected me." Mark was staring with a dumbfounded expression, obviously he didn't think that dark was actually real.
" what are you going to do to her? She has done nothing wrong" the smile on his face grew wider.
" she may not have done anything, but she has power. She doesn't know it but only she holds this power, that's why she can see us and the others can't." This was just getting ridicules, I felt my jaw clench as I tried to hold myself back.
" you want that power, don't you" Mark said surprisingly calm.
" but of course, just imagine what I could do with that power" he chuckled and stepped towards us, We didn't move. I looked over at Mark to see the same expression of anger as I have.
" I don't want to know what you could do, all I know is that you need to leave"
" oh, and how are you gonna make me" that never occurred to me, Mark and I never did anything to do with self defense or attack, heck I was the weakest out of the two of us. But Mark had been doing some working out, he at least had some chance.
I looked over at Stephanie and saw that she now had her hands around her neck and it looked like it was hard to breath. I glared at dark.
" I thought so, you wouldn't stand a chance anyway" he turned back to Steph and just stared.
" you know, it's such a shame it had to be this way, she looks so cute when she's in pain" this sent my anger into rage, but Mark beat me to it and he punched Dark in the jaw and he was sent stumbling back. I quickly got to Stephanie's side to try and wake her up, a tear had started falling from her eye. I whipped it away and tried shaking her and calling her name.
" Stephanie...Stephanie wake up...STEPHANIE!" She woke up with a start and sat up holding her neck as more tears streamed from her face.

" nice punch Mark, but not good enough" Dark growled and threw a punch, Mark tried dodging but got hit in the gut instead and he was sent backwards slamming into the wall. Stephanie squeaked in fear, then covered her mouth straight after. Dark turned towards us with an annoyed look.
" you try the same thing he did and you'll get something much worse"
" I will only do that if you hurt Steph" I said standing in front of her, her head peeping out from behind me. Dark chuckled again and and started coming towards up. I swear nothing is going to hurt her this time.
" what makes you think that you will stand a chance?" He went to swing at me but I was pulled back before he got anywhere near me. Stephanie had pulled me over and ducked the punch.
" you little bitch, you made me miss!" He went to grab her but there was a loud bang before he could. He screamed out in pain and looked behind him holding his leg.
" oh common, fine but I will be back Stephanie" with that he turned into the black mist again and flew out of the house. Stephanie just hugged me tightly and I hugged back, Looking back I saw Mark standing next to...Wilfred?

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