Chapter 3: By Your Side

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As we finally came back to our own house, I rushed upstairs toward my room. I locked myself inside and instantly fell down against the door onto my knees. I covered my eyes and screamed, yet no sound came out.

It is all my fault...He went to get something..for me.. I said I would be strong, but I can never be strong once..I loose someone as great as Aaron..I-I loved him..

Suddenly someone knocked onto my doors, making me wipe my tears as fast as I can. I mumbled,"W-who's there..?"

"Kawaii-chan is here! Kawaii-Chan is wondering if Aphmau-Senpai wants anything. Also is Aphmau-senpai okay? Does Aphmau-Senpai need cakes..or cookies..? Kawaii-chan is worried," Kawaii-chan said. "Would you like Kawaii-chan to take down her shipping shrine," Kawaii-chan mumbles.

"Ugh...just go away," I holler.

"B-but Kawaii-chan wants to cheer Aphmau-senpai up," she mumbled. "Also Zane-kun is here and is here for Aphmau-senpai," she said.

I holler out loudly,"I said go away!!" I get up and opens the door. However, when I did I saw Zane standing out there looking at me.

He laughs,"So how was my Kawaii-chan's voice?" He mimics Kawaii-chan's voice again,"Did I make Aphmau-senpai laugh?"

"Kawaii-chan does not sound like that, right Aphmau-senpai," I heard Kawaii-chan said in the background kind of angrily.

I slightly giggled and covered my mouth slightly. Kawaii-chan noticed I smiled which seemed like I have not smiled within years. Yet, it only been about a week. She giggled and quickly ran to her room whispering,"Hmm..Maybe!"

I looked up at Zane and even when he has a scarf on I could still see hints of blush. I walk toward my bed and he walks towards me after closing the door. "W-why did you come," I look up at him.

He said gently,"Katelyn told me you haven't recovered yet..So I came by. Aphmau..Please don't let your beautiful smile disappear.." My gaze fell upon my feet and I look down waiting for him to say more. He said reassuring,"I-I'll always be by your side. I will be with you..Even when I am gone, dead, or even..mad at you. showed me what friends are showed me what it is like to I want to help you. Let me be By your side..For as long as I am still alive. I will always be alive in your heart..."

I look up at him and nods slightly. He instantly embraces me with a warm hug. I slightly close my eyes, as he stroked my hair.

It feels...A lot warmer in his arms..then...Aaron...agh...what am I thinking?!

Zane whispers something I can not hear,"What I meant by that I love you..a-and want to be with you...."

I whispered,"Huh, What did you say?"

"It's's just that I want to be by your side," he laughs gently and I smiled.

"Aphmau, let's go..Somewhere tomorrow. Just to cheer you up, I'm going to take you to go shopping..and then dinner," Zane said shyly.

"Like one of, with my little horses," I asked.

"Um...yea...sure," Zane said awkwardly.

A few hours had passed, but as it became midnight he got up and said,"I should be going home now.."

As he was about to walk away, I instinctively grabbed onto his sleeve. "U-um...can you please stay with me until I fall asleep or just have a sleepover..," I asked.

He blushed and mumbles,"Of course..if it makes you feel better...I will sleep on the floor.."

"N-no! Y-you need something comfortable to sleep take my bed I will sleep on the floor..," I holler slightly.

"No! Your the one that I tried to cheer take the bed..," Zane mumbles.

I quickly gets up off the bed and slips. I was about to fall onto the floor until Zane tried catching me, but it made us both collapse. Zane held me down onto the floor and we both blushed. His gray scarf was gone and onto my dog Celeste. She was already curling herself up onto it and making it into a doggy bed.

"I-I'm sorry," Zane stutters to say.

"M-my fault...sorry..," I smile slightly. " kind of without the scarf..," I mumbled.

"Then maybe..just........maybe.........I should stop wearing it for you," Zane said and there was no hint of shyness in his voice somehow. His crystal blue eyes stared into mine. It looks kind of lonely, but the only person I saw in his eyes was me. It's like he only 'saw' me. He suddenly slightly smiled as he stared at me. "You look quite cute..when you blush, Aphmeow," he said teasingly in a husky voice.

"W-wha-," as I was about to say more, Zane leaned in and closed the gap between us. He kissed me for a while and when our lips parted our breathes was heavy. He leaned in again to kiss me and as we both kissed for awhile I came back to my senses and pushed him back. We both stared into each other eyes and suddenly Zane came back to his senses and we both looked away. He finally tried to get himself off of me and looked away covering his mouth.

"I-I'm sorry Aphmau," he said.

"I-it's was just an accident..," I mumbled. He nods and we both began to laugh awkwardly. "U-um I will take the bed..then..," I said.

"O-okay..I will take the floor..," Zane said and laid down on the floor as I got up.

I laid down onto my purple and white bed and started to touch my lips.

I did not..hate that didn't feel wrong..but why did it felt wrong when Aaron kissed me?

Zane suddenly said,"A-Aphmau..?"

"Y-yes..," I mumbled.

"You still awake..," Zane said.

"Yes..I am..," I said.

"Um..I love you....Will you maybe just go with me..around the mall..Like an maybe..Um become my girlfriend," He asked.

I did not reply to his answer, but my face turned beat red. Instantly I fell asleep.

"A-Aphmau...," Zane said as he got up and looks at me. He saw I was sleeping onto the bed and mumbles,"Ha...great job our friendship might be ruined..I'm such an idiot! She has Aaron..but he is in an coma..." He hits himself onto the head and falls asleep onto the floor. (I THINK he hit himself to hard XD hope ya like this chapter though :p also..Answer my question:Did you really think it was Kawaii-chan? XD)

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