#9 what he loves about you

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Eren loves your smile. Whenever you smiled, he always found himself smiling as well. He hated it when you were sad, so he would try his very best to make your lips curve into a huge smile. Whenever you smiled, it just made his life a little more easier. Your smile could light the entire room and it sure made his day.


Armin loves your kindness, and selflessness. He doesn't really focus on appearance as much-not that it's not as important, he thinks your beautiful. He loves how you're compassionate towards others and help others in any way you can. He loves how you do a lot of things for a lot of people but never expect anything in return. Your kindness is in his opinion was beautiful. Not that you weren't already beautiful *armim blushing* He thinks you're beautiful not matter what, on the inside and outside. He also loves how easily he can talk about almost anything with you and you would listen. He could go on ranting about how beautiful the ocean would be while you sat there imagining it with Him. Though, he would catch himself sometimes talking too much and he would apologize and shut up while a blush coated his cheeks which made you squeal and hug him, making him blush even more! (ARMIN MY CINNAMON BUNNN C'MERE!)


Jean loves your sass and hotheaded-ness.When someone threw an insult to you or anyone you cared about...lord have mercy on their soul. You don't take nothing from no one and weren't one to back down from a fight. And you usually started the fights. Basically, another Eren...but a better, cooler, and just overall better looking version. (Eren in the background saying, "heeeeyyyyy")


Marco loves your hair. He likes running his hands through them and braiding it sometimes. The smell of your shampoo always lingered whenever you stood next to him and he can't get enough.


Connie loves your laugh. It was infectious. Whenever you laughed, everyone around you started to laugh. So when you were sad, he would make stupid jokes just to hear that laugh of yours.


Levi loves how independent you are. You didn't need anyone to help you with anything. You were pretty capable of many things and he admired that. Sometimes, when you were cleaning, he would offer to help, but you refused and continued. He chuckled before sitting down and letting you take the wheel.


Reiner loves your lips. They're just so kissable and addicting. There taste of your favorite lip balm against his lips drove him crazy Especially when you bite your lip when thinking. If he could he would kiss them all day.


Bert here loves your eyes. The way your eyes widened and sparkled when you saw it talked about something you were passionate about. He could see your eyes twinkle a bit when you talked about something you loved and it made him smile. You big (e/c) eyes were like a galaxy and he could stare and get lost in them all day.


Erwin loves your Intelligence. Just the fact that anyone can throw a topic at you, you could talk about it with no effort. He loves having deep conversations with you and always loves to hear your opinion on things. (*cough* don't vote for Donal trump *cough* I could list a whole bunch of reasons why he shouldn't be our president but let's not get into that rn)


This ok? Sorry haven't been active lately, having a hard time at school and it's really bugging me..

Sorry Armin's was the longest one but HES SUCH A CUTE CINNAMON ROLE I

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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