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"You're an idiot, you know that?" Phoebe expresses me as we walk. She swings her bag over her shoulder and looks to her right.

"You're a great friend, you know that?" I reply while picking up my duffel bag and checking that I haven't forgotten anything.

Phoebe turns to me and glares. "It's not as easy as you are making it sound"

I get up and smile. "Phoebe, when did you become the love guru?" I tease. "Was there a meeting because I am sure I must have missed it"

Phoebe stares at me for a second before turning and walking out of the locker room. I sigh and follow her out. I think this is a step back to normality.

"You are hopeless" Phoebe mutters as I catch up to her. We descend down the small hill towards the rest of the buildings. "Sometimes I wonder what you would be like if you didn't have someone as amazing as me in your life"

I roll my eyes and smile. "I would be doomed oh great one!" I coo. "Please continue to bless me with your presence"

Phoebe grins and her scowl is gone momentarily. As we descend more, I spot Luke walking up the hill talking to some guy. I pull Phoebe behind a tree and watch as he passes by. I breathe out happily as he opens the pool gate.

"See you tomorrow, Bella" He calls as I walk out of the tree.

Crap! Didn't know he saw me. I turn slowly.

"See you tomorrow, Luke" I say through gritted teeth. I wave a little and then turn quickly, running down the rest of the hill.

"You two have a strange thing going on there" Phoebe says once she has caught up with me.

I laugh and turn to walk towards the gate. "Where did Lavrin go?" I ask as Ann and Chris walk out of the glass doors.

"He had some art thing to check or something like that" Phoebe answers.

"Oh," I mutter as Chris and Ann part ways to walk on both sides of me. "Cool"

"Hey, guys, what are you talking about?" Chris asks Phoebe and me.

"Nothing important" I answer

As we walk towards the gate, Chris talking to Phoebe and Ann walking behind us slowly, I spot Rachel from the corner of my eye. She runs towards us, her hair flowing behind her. She stops and leans down to steady herself by pushing her hands on her knees.

"Be...lla" She huffs.

I push my weight to my left hip and watch her as she breathes.

"Yeah...?" I ask looking down at her. "What is it?"

"Or..." She breathes heavily, trying to regain her breath.

I look down at where she was running. Rachel is not the running type so I wonder what could get her running so much that she can't breathe.

 "I'll let you breathe, when you can breathe again, catch up slowly" I walk out of the gate and turn towards home.

I wonder what I should do, I want to neglect my homework, but I know that's never a good idea. Maybe I should...

"Wait!" Rachel calls. "It's... it's Oreo!"

I freeze and my blood runs cold as the name is registered in my mind.

Chris laughs. "Oreo...? Are you hungry?"

I turn slowly and stare at Rachel who is still trying to regain her breath. Phoebe walks up to me and rests her hand on my shoulder to steady it. I didn't notice I was shaking. Ann walks closer to me and grabs my arm protectively.

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