Chapter 20

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When I woke up Rustin had gotten in the bed with me and it was the middle of the night I got up from Rustin's grip and went to my room. I got a glass of water and saw that I had a text it was Katie.

~Katie~ OMG! Selena were r u!?!?! I am freaking out if you don't answer in three hours I am calling the cops to do a search party!


I couldn't help but laugh at the message then her signature. I looked at the time she had sent the text it was midnight when she sent it and it was now four o'clock. Great she probably has a search party looking in the forest for me well it's a good thing that they won't find this place because if they did then they would tear it apart. I texted  her back even though se might be sleeping it was worth a shot.


Katie! calm down I'm fine I am with Rustin we found a place... I'll explain l8ter I will be back in the morning.

*1D lover *

I put my phone on the nightstand and got in my bed that's when I saw about five wolves enter my room I was a little freaked out so I pretended to be asleep. "Shhh! she's sleeping!" I heard a man say in a hushed voice then I heard them put something on the nightstand beside me. "I hope she comes." I heard a woman say then I heard the door close and the footsteps get fainter and fainter...

As soon as I knew they were gone I got up and saw a paper and a candy that I have never seen on the nightstand.

I open the fancy envelope to see that i was invited to a brunch and afterwards they would talk to me...Hmmm. That's when i felt a cold breeze come through the balcony doors that i left just a crack because it was hot. I go to the door to shut it but i see something very strange. It was a pack and they were doing.....archery?1 At this time of night?! 

I just watch for a little bit and realise that everyone had hit the target almost exact and they were really good. After a while i felt in a cuddling mood(i know wierd right?) So i go to Rustin's room and get in his bed, which was really warm. He just moves a little to put his arm around my waist and i scoot closer to were my head was against his buf chest. 

I wake up to find that Rustin was gone and my head was on the pillow. I get up to see Rustin in thefreaking shower with the door open!!! i immediatly look away and close the door as i do i hear laughes coming from the other side. 

I look on his nightstand and find that he had the same envenlope with the letter half in and half out. 

After i had showered and curled my hair just for fun i went down to rustin's room to find him gone. So i go to the dinning hall and find everyone there. 

I just sit by rustin and start eating the delicious egg and cheese omlet with a side of hashbrowns and bacon. 

We got done eating and that's when the talking began.

We mainly talked about how i was going to turn into a werewolf and that i would take over as the leader when the other leader died. Also that Rustin was going to turn into a wolf to we would turn when ever we wanted to. 

I asked "can Katie and Jordan come too?" 

"If you wish" one of girls spoke up.

Later that night Katie and Jordan showed up i was so happy to see them i explained everthing to them and that's when a girl walked in.

She had brown hair and brown eyes she had a very good cheekbone structure and she was verry pretty. She explained thatshe would be with me for a while to help us hunt and teach us i could tell she was Native American because of her skin color and her structure. 

After a few years

I was now the leader of all these people i was married to Rustin now and had a child named Lilly and a son named Luke. I am very happy with my life to be surounded with people that loved me and my friends and family.


Selena has passed on now but some say that you can still see her protecting the wolves with her husband and still living childeren so be careful next time you go hunting... 

                                                                  The End

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