Ch. 2 Reunited

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Glenns POV

I move through the enormous hole in the wall that wasn't here before. Wood, and metal lay beneath more wood. Enid behind me calls "we need to hurry! There's more walkers coming." I look back at her, right as she hits a walker in the head with the butt of her gun. Then I hear a voice, the voice that's been edging me on for the last few days. It yells my name, and this time shes real. I look up and run towards her. "Glenn!" Maggie yells, looking as if she is gonna cry. I yell "Maggie!" As she's close enough for me to grab her, I wrap her in my embrace. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and I rest my chin on her head. She puts her hands on the side of my face, and plants her lips to mine. I kiss her back and as I pull back, a low groan interrupts. I pull my knife from its sheaf and Stab the walker in the head. I ask "what happened here?" Maggie runs her fingers through her hair, looking over to where Rick, and most of the others fighting off walkers are. She answers "the old building fell down on the wall and now walkers are flooding the place. We need to go" I nod and look back for Enid. I don't see her, I look over to the walkers on our left side and see her fighting them. I run over there, killing 3 for her and she says "I'm fine. Go help Rick!" I rush past Maggie whose smashing ones head, and over to Tobin who is on the ground about to be bitten. I stab it in the head, and Tobin throws it off. I help him up, and he says "thanks!" Before rushing over to another and shooting it. I start to hear a machine gun, and look up. I see Spencer with it, shooting walkers in the guard tower. I glance at the entrance and see it's open, and walkers are filling it. I yell "spencer! Their coming in!" He looks down and sees this, immediately looking terrified. He yells back "I've got them!" I hear crying and see that Sam, on Jessie's back is sobbing at the sight. Her other son Ron, stands behind her. Enid makes her way over to Ron, who looks pissed when he sees her. Someone grabs my shoulder and I see its Rick. He says "it's great to have you back Glenn. The plan is to make it to the gate and that Michonne will be meeting us with a semi" I nod and say "alright." I run over to Deanna who is a terrible shot, and is shooting reverting but the walkers. I yell at her "give me the gun!" She starts to fumble with it as she tries to give it to me, but drops it instead. I grab it and shoot the walker that's about to bite her and then turn to 3 coming up behind me. I shoot each of them, blood pooling under there bodies as they hit the ground. Maggie runs over to me and I realize she's covered in blood. I ask quickly "are you ok?" She nods and says "the blood isn't mine. I'll tell you later!" She runs over to Rick and says "let's go!" She runs ahead of everyone, I follow up the back with Rosita and Tara, who each hug me. We keep a pace going, not to fast but not to slow. Tobin, Scott, David, Aaron, Kent, and Barbara start to fall behind. They weren't used to this. Jessie somehow was keeping up, and Ron was barely. I yell back to them "come on guys!" Olivia, who is heavier set, stops at the side and starts to vomit. I get to her side and tug at her arm "we need to go Olivia!" Between heavy gasps she says "I can't run anymore. My asthma's acting up" I say "yes you can! I used to have asthma, but overcame it when this whole apocalypse thing started" she nods and says "ok" she starts to run and I hear a mans scream, then a woman's. I look back at the stragglers and see Tobin and Barbara being bitten. I hear Deanna yell "No!" I rush over, killing the walkers. Barbara between sobs says "leave me. Don't argue, just go" Tobin nods at her words and says "same goes for me" I say "but-" both chime in and yell "go!" I hear Aaron scream and as I look up he's behind, way behind. He's being chased by a hoard of walkers coming straight to us. He trips, and I watch the board gather around him, and I hear the screams as they dig into him like a turkey on thanksgiving. I run back to the group and yell "we lost Aaron, Barbara, and Tobin!" To Deanna. Rick yells back to me "have you seen Daryll, Or Spencer?!" I say "not yet!" We reach the gate finally, and Michonne is not here. Rick says "Maggie. You said she'd meet us here?" Maggie nods and says "yeah. Just give her a minute of two" I glance back at the large hoard of walkers heading towards us and I say "I don't think we have a minute or two." Scott puts a gun to his head and says "screw this. I can't do it anymore" Deanna yells "Scott put the-" she's cut off by the sound of a bullet being fired, and then the splatter of blood on her face. And anyone standing near. David yells "I need to go back for Spencer! I'll be back, just wait for me here!" Rick grabs his arm and says "no. You stay." He knocks ricks grip off and runs towards the hoard. That could buy us some time. Kent says "I do to" and runs after him. I try to grab his arm, but he throws a punch. I duck down dodging it and he yells "I'm sorry Glenn!" And is gone. Then suddenly a semi bursts out of the hoard of walkers coming from the left. She honks the horn, as if asking for attention. Carl sits in the passenger seat holding Judith. Rick rushes to the passenger door, and Carl moves to the center seat. Carol runs to the back of the semi, and messes with the door. Out of nowhere Daryll runs by. He helps her get the back open, I run over to Maggie whose helping people into the back. The cargo hold is huge enough for everyone. Tara says worried "we can't just leave Scott, David, and Spencer here!" Maggie says "it was there choice to run off. They either need to get back now or there stuck here. Someone Get the gate" I run over to the gate, pulling it open and then get into the back of the semi pulling Maggie up into it. She climbs in and sits down next to me out of breath. Over this I see Sam sobbing in Jessie's arms, Enid and Ron glaring at eachother, Rosita sitting next to Abraham messing with her pistol, Eugene and Tara next go eachother, and Deanna by herself. She looks like she might start to cry. Maggie leans her head on my shoulder and I wrap her in a tight one armed hug. The semi starts to move, and I watch as he town disappears behind us. I see David running from a hoard yelling "Wait!" But it's to late, they tackle him and start to tear him apart. Deanna breaks into a sob and leans against Abraham for comfort. Abraham lets her, ignoring it. Maggie sits up, and faces me. She says "I don't know what I'd have done if you were gone. I wouldn't accept the fact that you were dead. They made a wall and put your name on it for the dead and I took it off" I kiss her on the forehead and then her nose, and then her lips and I let them stick there for a good long while. I pull back and say "I kept thinking of you. Your the one who kept me going" she plants her lips back to mine and when we pull back I realize a few people stare. She says in a low hushed voice "I love you Glenn." I hold her and say "I love you too"

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