Ch. 5 Daryl Knows

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Maggie's POV

I wake to a soft, familiar snore in my ear, Glenns. We had come back to camp last night after Rick had found us asleep. Glenns chin is rested on my shoulder, and his head leant on mine, his arms wrapped around me loosely from behind. My back is pressed against his chest and i sigh softly not wanting this moment to end, although I would love to change the detail to we're both sleeping. I suddenly feel the violent churning in my stomach and I know whats coming. I tug at glenns arms softly, and with a groan he releases me. I get up stepping over sleeping people as quick as I can, forcing myself forward to a tree. I grip the tree as I crash towards it and drop my head vomiting as quietly as I can, my stomach tightening up as a hand wraps around it and rubs it tenderly. Another hand takes my hair softly and I cough out between loads "Glenn?" He hushes me and says "it's ok get it out...the vomit I mean. It's a little to soon for a baby to-" he stops hearing crunching footsteps and looks to the side cursing "shit..." I cough again another round coming up and look to the side seeing Daryl and then look away knowing he knew. The look on his face first of all was a dead give away and if he didn't know I don't know why he'd be making the face. Glenns hand that once was on her stomach was now tensely gripping my shoulder. I finally feel good enough to stand back up straight again, my eyes immediately Flick to Daryl. Daryl says "morning...anyone want to tell me what the-" Glenn cuts him off and says "cut the crap. She's pregnant, it's mine, and it's to late for abortion pills" Daryl clamps his mouth shut and I sigh adding onto Glenns sentence "you can't tell anyone" Glenn nods solemnly, and Daryl asks "how far along are you?" Glenn answers for me and says "1" Daryl looks to my stomach almost immediately noticing the bit of swelling going on, not too noticeable if your not looking for it. He asks "week?" I shake my head slightly "1 month..." Daryl clicks his tongue and looks away "dammit. Your screwed if Rick finds out" Glenn takes a step towards him and I touch his shoulder softly "he's not gonna find out...that is unless you tell him...and if you do I swear to God and everybody I will-" I cut him off "please don't tell Daryl" Daryl holds his hands up and says "I ain't plannin on it...but you two better tell soon or people 're gonna find out" he looks back to my stomach before shaking his head with a small sigh

Glenns POV

I loosen up stepping back and say "thank you.." Maggie lets go of me folding her hands in front of her and watches us. Rick slowly makes his way around the semi and steps over the sleeping body's coming over to us. Daryl says "mornin'" and Maggie nods to him shifting onto her other foot. I smile softly at Rick and say "hey" Maggie taps my shoulder softly and whispers in my ear "I'll be back... I'm gonna go cool off" she was pissed and if anyone could tell it was me. She turns away and walks towards the semi. Rick arches his eyebrow and asks "she ok?" I nod nervously and say "yeah she just has to uh....pee" Daryl sighs "good to know. What'd you need Rick?" He asks turning towards Rick. Rick rubs the back of his head and says "we're out of gas. I need y'all to wake everyone up, we need to start walking." I give off a single nod and ask "where exactly are we even going?" Rick shrugs slightly and looks to Daryl "somewhere we can make safe" Daryl says nodding to us both. Rick holds up his fingers standing for OK and steps away. "Take care of her" Daryl says turning away and starting to wake people. I follow to where Maggie walked off and find her walking along the road, scouting out. "Hey. You ok?" I ask as I match her pace walking at her side. She nods "yeah. Just needed to get away for a moment" I pull a arm around her hip "mmhm. Go on" she glances to me with a look as if saying I know you know somethings up but I don't want to say so, and I say "c'mon Mags" she sighs quietly and nods a bit "I didn't want to tell anyone, or anyone to know...I feel like Daryl finding out is gonna get us caught" I smile softly and say "why can't we tell...what's the worse that's going to happen" she sucks in a sharp breath of air and slows a bit "...I don't want people to think I'm weak or treat me any different....your already doing so" I watch her carefully losing my smile and say "I don't try to but...I have to worry about my wife, and My miniature Maggie, or me" she rests her head on my shoulder and says "I love you, Glenn" I kiss her head turning us around and walking back towards camp. "I love you too" I reply softly.
I look up towards camp.

And then their were screams, and not Maggie's nor mine.

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